PROVE IT...OR..$$$$

Very impressive....all it means is the cruise lines can now lay off the expense somewhere else, does NOTHING to mitigate the actual risk....In states that prohibit "checking", exactly HOW does ANYONE know if you've been vaxxed, or you're lying to get onboard..In the states that CAN ask, you can have a fraudulent card, or you forgot it..or didn't get the 2nd shot......Or you tell them you got your shots, and then come down with it...then what? I keep asking those questions, here, and other places, and I get alot of non-answers. Nobody's fault, because there are NO acceptable answers..Finally saw some pooh bah woman who said EXACTLY that on a TV news show, Can't remember if she was a bigshot at some med school or SAM...but she must've been Ms. Popularity for raising the obvious. None of it means a thing without national verification...and there NEVER will be....the cruise lines will get to the point where quarantining or putting folks off the ship who are infected as a matter of routine...AND, most importantly, the cruise will continue and nobody cares, or even notices. COVID will never go away, but less and less people will care...up to and including cruiselines...just another day at the office...

19 Answers

Should have no effect on international cruise and will affect only cruises that sail out of Florida at the moment.

The case was overturned on Appeal. Florida lost the case. What are the implications for international cruising?

Not bad LAZYBOY....not bad at all......especially "If you guess wrong are you willing to pay the price or watch someone else pay it for you?" Clearly, you forgot where you are as well......entirely too logical...

Personally speaking, and having traveled when the Yellow shot card was a must for many spots, this whole cruise Covid thing is a joke- political, corporate, passengers, etc. Everyone has an opinion, from some based on internet "fact" thru politicians (agendas?) to others whom are working in the frontlines of the pandemic. What is right? Dunno. All I can say is the cruise lines have got to get together and form a unified policy that matches known science, not political expediency. -------- I understand some folks point of view, my thoughts at 26 would not match my thoughts at 69. At 26 I did not have any insurance not required (auto?), at 69, I have insurance. Despite (or it because of?) the CDC, the internet, politicians, and the (shudder) media, we, the people of the world, are not out of the jungle on the Covid. My family received our shots because of our life experiences, your thoughts will vary. Having ties to the hospitals in our area and knowing what the folks in ICU are saying, I am supportive of NCL's actions, and yes, you have liars who will get fake cards and cause issues. But they are a fact of life (I work retail and see them a lot) Those folks will be found out when they get sick, and (in the US at least) they might be accountable. -------- Trip insurance is good for more than just Covid, we have actually had to use it for other things, and it more than paid for itself on those trips in more than just monetary reimbursement. --------- But the bottom line is, What makes you comfortable? What risks do you wish to take (fake, real, none, mingle, distancing)? If you guess wrong, are you willing to pay the price or watch someone else pay it for you?

Thank you so much for the clarification!

Done and done!! Enjoy yours too.

Just hoping they get it all figured out by January

I guess my question is if you believe these companies are encouraging liars then why would you want to give them your business? I personally think that they have proven the policies that they have put into place to mitigate the risk of COVID spreading has worked in instances that have already occurred.

I would never speak on what happens with other peoples kids because I don't know. I can only speak to what happens with my own and rightly so. I apologize if that wasn't clear. My kids have been exposed to COVID at school and have been tested. They didn't test positive (but who knows how accurate those tests are). They are both being vaccinated because I feel that it is best for our family. We have family members that are higher risk and want to protect them. GL2U2 and Enjoy your cruise!

Again, I'm not sure what your point is, unless you're defending a poorly thought out system that encourages liars, and does virtually nothing to mitigate the risk. As it stands, ANYONE can get on a cruise ship, anytime they want. Yes there seem to be slight variations in the rules...that is, if anyone can understand them. We won't get into the zoo at the terminal, or at the airport...

Per my above I SAID..."ALL they've managed to do is fix the financial liability on the passengers, instead of themselves. Don't misunderstand, thats not a bad thing either. But all it will lead to is MORE lying than might have occurred anyway." Guess you missed it.

As for them wanting as "safe as possible cruise", otherwise people wouldn't want to cruise with them, I'll agree that what they "say" they're doing might appear to seem like they're doing what they can. I say they're going to make outbreaks onboard a minor nuisance, instead of what it becomes in the media. There'll be plenty of people who will cruise regardless of the vaccination %. And are perfectly prepared to LIE about it to save that buck three eighty..The statistics across the US every day lately bear me out, as to just how many people could care less about the shots.

I am perfectly aware of what happens with "kids on land"...been there done that...I assume you're talking about yours...and I assume they're also too young to get shots. Tell me, are they somehow too young to get COVID? Or pass it on?

No I don't like it...I don't like the cruise lines just putting this stuff out and assuming everyone is just going to buy it. But I'm going anyway...and I imagine so are you....the risk to me and my wife is absolutely minimal...not hardly zero, but low enough that we're willing to assume the risk...and it involves only us. I do understand that it is infinitely harder to make that decision when traveling with unvaccinated passengers in your group. GL2U!!!

I believe you are just required to show proof of insurance. I'm guessing that's just a copy of the insurance information you would get from an outside company. For me buying insurance is just a preventative measure in case something were to happen and we would have to go the medical center on board, be air-flighted to a hospital. I don't know about your personal situation but with kids who are always getting hurt on land it's just a buffer for us. I would rather be prepared because our regular health insurance doesn't cover us anywhere but the U.S. I've got to go back to my stance of that the cruise lines are wanting a safe (or as safe as possible) cruise because otherwise people wouldn't want to cruise with them. (let's agree to disagree) I feel that the financial responsibility should be on the passenger if they get Covid on a cruise. I argue that this is why they are wanting passengers to get insurance. Why should they have to pay for a customer to get home or their medical care if you don't want to get vaccinated or show proof? If that is the case then what if you get Covid at a hotel? Should the hotel pay for you to get home or your medical care when they follow all of the guidelines? I think this is going to be a situation like the flu where it's not going to go away but how we deal with it will change. It's up to you if you want to volunteer that information. I also believe it's up to you to share your vaccination status. All in all, if you don't like it then don't cruise.

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