10 Answers

COVID isn't going away until we all get vaccinated. It will be just like the flu. Let me explain:

The flu was considered a pandemic in 1918 (I believe). Technically, there's no cure for the flu, and while there are still deaths from it, it's much more under control now due to vaccines. This is why we get the flu shots every year, and they're modified every year to try and target the dominant strain that year. It won't stop you from getting the flu, but if you do get it, it won't be as severe.

I suspect the same will be true for the COVID vaccines. Just like the flu, we'll need boosters to help target the dominant strain (in this case, the Delta variant). Also, just like the flu shot, the COVID shots were never meant to protect you from getting COVID: they were only meant to protect you from getting a severe case. However, all we can do at this point until we find our more about this virus is try to mitigate the spread as best as we can.

Man, what a crazy, mixed up goofy world. Stay safe.

Durn good to see you're still up and posting KENN!!!! Now all that stuff is clearly fake news...we have it on good authority its virtually over...what surge??? As for the teachers...welp...like any other giant biz, the poohbahs are realizing you can phone (pc) it in, and not have to show up...cheaper all around...who needs buildings, supplies, yada yada..and who cares if you have 20 kinds in a so-called class, or 200 online? Been in classes in college with 300-400 in lecture halls. You want to learn, you pay attention, if not, not...course some folks have the gall to complain about paying full rate to do courses on line...what'll they think of next, teachers taking a pay cut to stay home and pound keys or smile into the camera, and NOT have to put up with the assortment of problems of being in the same room with the bundles of joy, now potentially infectious...oh well, moving on!! again...good to see you podnuh!

Speaking of schooling. Like everywhere else, arguments abound whether or not to have in school attendance or online learning. The superintendent of Anchorage schools is big on bringing students back into the classrooms, as she maintains it is impossible to provide a adequate education via the Internet. I question whether or not educators have given online education an opportunity to develop via evolution, practice and experience. Anyway, as I mentioned, we have a covid surge going throughout Alaska right now. Take a gander at what happened in Utah when they opened up their schools at the same time a surge was developing.


We really have got a Covid surge currently going in Alaska and the lower 48 is experiencing the same. The "snowbirders" who drive south every
Fall are having a lot of trouble getting the Canadians to allow them to transit the Yukon and B.C. I can't imagine my Canadian friends, namely immigration types, not getting antsy about these recent Covid developments. So, if this trend continues, expect restrictions to tighten. I'm a life long Alaskan but in my golden years have taken to spending time in the winter months in warmer climes. Particularly in Florida or Hawaii or cruising. In a few weeks we intend to head for Florida, we fly though, but are getting worried things may shut down even further in the near future and we be stuck up here.

So what does this have to do with cruising? Cruising? What's that? Ha----Well anyway, with the world being awash in oil as well as natural gas it has been very difficult for Alaska to market its oil, considering that over 95% of the State's general funds have been derived from oil revenues this means the ship of state is in dire economic straits, particularly with the populace death against taxes, even though Anchorage is the most tax friendly city in the most tax friendly State in the US. Therefore the economy must look at the second major industry up here and that is Visitation. Now, prior to Covid, 2.6 million visitors came here annually and over 58% of them came on cruise ships. In short, last one out, please turn out the lights.



Not surprising. It was inevitable I think. Just a matter of time. BUT the same is happening with kids at school, airlines, buses, anywhere that people gather. It is what it is and it is going to continue to happen. The key is going to be how it is dealt with. Ok so now we know it happens. How do we move forward and continue and deal with it? That is where we need to go.

They followed the protocols, the whole ship was NOT infected. The rates are increasing in places that are "deemed" safe, but the cruise ships are the culprit. This just makes me angry. But I will get off my soapbox, because I know I'm preaching to the choir!

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