Parents keeping kids in order or get kicked off ship

Saw in a post parents need to keep their kids in cabin after 1 a m unless in teen club or they get kicked off at next port like brawlers get. . This is somewhat good as on one cruise around 2 a m two teens were dancing on the top of a piano. Also (I am a night owl, like to look at stars at night and watch water churn on back of ship) a couple of them were topless in the aft hot tub (teen girls). Where were the parents? One cruise I was going to nap at night on serenity deck (2 a m room too hot) and came across 2 teens having sex in one of the cabanas. Called security, teens got picked up. Probably turned them to parents and parents did nothing. I deal in drivers education, driving teens and if they dont show up for their drive time, we fine them $40. Parents just pay it up and ask when can they drive again. Teens today dont know what consequences are. so I welcome Carnivals new protocall

Tags: Carnival Cruise Lines

5 Answers

We spend most of our time in areas where rugrats (i'm including certain teens) aren't allowed. Unfortunately, some cretins in their 20's, 30's, 40's+ fall into the entiled/immature category. Sometimes they're unavoidable, regardless of how much you're willing to spend.

Well our last cruise had only 17 people under the age of 18 onboard .. and one of those was less than a year old.

Never had any kid issues ....

Hopefully, they will follow through with these rules. But, I am inclined to think it won't matter much.Sad

It seems to me, that since the return to cruising, the general behavior of people has gone downhill, and the security teams have no idea how to handle it.

I deal with Teenagers all the time, as I run my Fire District's Youth Firefighting Program. The main problem, is that most of my Parent's generation did an Awful job of raising their kids, and the current generation of parents(Aka, the product of my parents generation of parenting) is doing an even worse job. Too many people are friends with their kids, instead of their parent.

You're being generous...PARENTS don't know or don't care what the consequences are. Teens "today"? yesterday, and going all the way to "back in the day" I was included in that group of delinquents. Its called growing up...some folks NEVER do.

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