Not a good week in the news for RCCL

I just read an article about some clown (27 yrs old) who for no other reason than he wanted a viral video of himself jumped from his deck 11 balcony into the water in Nassau. Needless to say he and his 3 buddies were banned for life from RCCL and justly so. Are people that fed up with life or just that bored. One really has to wonder. He did however fail to secure a Darwin nomination with this one.

12 Answers

All the more reason to love acronyms Wink

To further confuse------Correct me if I'm wrong, but an investor buddy told me that the designation for RCCL stock on the market was RCI?

Just shaking my head in disbelief.

Yes, RCI is the actual cruise line, and RCCL is the parent company. Around here on the team we usually just refer to the cruise line as RC!

Thankfully, YouTube is starting to forbid these (as they put it) "dangerous videos".

This makes me sad. This man could have VERY easily lost his life, and for what? Strangers to see the video and laugh? This social media world we live in (and yes, I get that I am speaking on a social media platform) is crippling. "We" are risking our families, relationships and OUR LIVES!!! Just for strangers to think "we" are cool for 3 days until the next person shows up. I will say that I liked the fact that he admitted he did not consider the consequences prior to the leap. His admittance further shows how "we" are blinded to common sense just for a few likes.

I guess I always had it backwards - thinking RCI was the corporation and RCCL was the cruise line. Thanks for setting me straight.

Thanks Kennicott. Good info. When I said RCCL it was in reference to the name Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Was not aware it also referred to the parent company. Acronyms can be ambiguous. Maybe I will just stick to RC in the future.


Or, you can’t fix stupid!

Again to quote Forest Gump "mama says, Stupid is as stupid does" Big Smile

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