No Grand Cayman?

It is my understanding that the Caymans are not allowing US visitors. Is this true? We have a CCL Vista Cruise this April and have heard (through the grapevine) that Grand Cayman is no longer a stop (for now) and CCL will re-route with different stops. Anyone else heard this? Really wanted to do something different this time, and heard Ocho Rios and Grand Cayman would be changed to Belize and Roatan. JUST got off that very cruise in October. Thoughts?

9 Answers

It's best to be patient at this point, things with this virus can change rapidly.

Thanks for this update!

Per AP I agree, US and Canada are getting heat from all business sectors, I.E. enough already.

: Grand Cayman is out replaced with a Sea Day/Spa Day/ Tabacco Road Liquor Bar get a bourbon and go to ‘’ The Humidor” and solve the world’s problems Day. LOL

I agree with Captain Aunt Pinkie and Cruisellama, After February things will loosen up. My PCP indicated things will change. Probably for occupancy and higher prices.

Thought they were supposed to open up to cruising in Feb '22, but AuntPinkey noted April, so moved back? Unfortunate - its the constant uncertainly that's taking the wind from my sails.

Newest I could find...perhaps you already saw something newer...Caymans was one of the handful of islands we really liked...but if these restrictions are still in place, thats a whole bunch of tiny hoops not worth jumping thru...

By April things may change back. Not all ports are welcoming yet. Cross finger (and toes) for more ports by April!

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