
Our last weeks cruise the ship was full. No seats to sit on lido deck during meal times. We sat next to table with a family of 6 eating. They made a mess when they left. The busser came by, and started to clean table and she knocked over 2 cups spilling the contents all over the table on floor and on seats. She put the dishes on the tray and wiped the liquid up and wrung her rag into one of the dirty dishes and wiped the table again. Did not wipe seats or floor(rug soaked it in ) She left the table wet and went to the next table and wiped it with the same rag. So after seeing that, I keep my silverware on my napkin, not letting anything touch the bare table. You can tell covid is over. Did not say nuthin as last trip a waiter on mdr sneezed on a table ready for diners and we reported it and they just talked to each other in their languages,

Tags: Carnival Cruise Lines Carnival Dream

1 Answer

Thanks for sharing! So sad it's come to this. We (as in general public) have come to aware of thes things more than ever. It makes me wonder what happens that we don't see, not only on cruise ships but at any eating establishment.Sad

We always bring a package of wipes..and usually a small can of spray as well..door knobs, tv remote, balcony door, phone, thermostat, bath fixtures..once over asa we get into the cabin...have no idea if it does any good, or we're just being paranoid, but its become a tradition....between that and 183 shots, who knows???

Wow that is disgusting. I was a minor germaphobe before covid. Things like this just reiterate my love for Clorox go wipes. Happy

So you get the general decline in darn near everything about cruising that attracted people to it in the first place? AND you get to pay more? we've got 4 more booked on 3 different ships thru 11/ now we'd be booked on others, or at least "exploring"...nada....what does it mean? not sure, but.......

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