
Hello Guys!

When bringing prescription medication, do I need to bring my original medication bottle or can I just take my pill box?

Thank you!

10 Answers

Thanks, everyone. I'm just going to take them....don't wanna risk my first ever cruise!

I've always taken copies of the prescriptions with me. No one has ever even come close to asking or checking. But you can bet, that if I leave them behind, I'm in trouble. Murphy's law

There have been times where I have put over the counter meds into a zip bag and most of the time it will be a non issue as no one ever bothers us when checking in or out. BUT that one time when someone does ... Best to have the original bottles.

Since everyone in here always tells the truth...well...I usually consolidate stuff, Ive been known to throw a couple weeks worth into one large bottle...Ive even used a plastic'd be just as easy to throw the scrip bottles into the carry on (or carry off as it happens)...smarter too...I'll probably start doing it again. The thought of "explaining it all down at city hall" is no way to end a cruise.

Okay! You got me!Big Smile

Bring the bottle??? oh...drugs...well then...yes, by all means bring the bottle...few extra ounces wont matter in the suit case..

Yep ... don't want to smuggle those drugs like aunt pinkie ... LMAO ... ROFL

What they said. But in my case it is a "do as I say" not "do as I do". I quit bringing the bottle and just carry the pill box. So far so good, but I would be very unhappy if challenged and I had my meds confiscated. If you want to be sure you have no problem, bring the bottle.

For the sake of customs I would recommend bringing the rx bottle. It identifies that you are supposed to have the drug and what the drug is. Same thing with carrying over the counter meds. They should aleays be in the proper packaging that identify exactly what they are. Makes for smoother passage and less hassle should someone want to ask about these things.

I take my RX in its bottle with all the information on it just to be on the safe side with customs, now my vitamins I keep in a divided pill box and I label what they are. I have never had a problem, then I have never been searched.

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