I see that Carnival had a large brawl break out on Magic heading into NY

Interesting. Not too much info but not a good thing. Sad really.


19 Answers

So the list of reasons for me not sailing those ships just keeps growing.

They're certainly increasing prices...and i think they're going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg...how many sub par cruises does it take before more and more experienced cruisers decide theres better ways to get value for their $$??

Actually, I think if you increse prices, people will feel more intitled. Readin the recent reviews, people think the should get better treatment because they didn't have (didn't get) a discount while others did.

As far as the brawl goes; the cruise lines could (and in my humble opinion should) bar them from cruising again, especially if damage to property happened. But as the saying goes, "not my circus, not my monkeys".

Becuz they all had so-called friends, drunk stoned friends, who bumped into each other and so on and so forth and got "disrespected" probably becuz they get so little of that back in the real world not to mention its fairly common knowledge that you have to flat out MURDER some one to get the local police involved...and you just know they know its a waste of time......now there IS something to be said for increasing the prices...REALLY increasing em...but that won't work. and only makes sense to an ever decreasing number of cruisers. Anybody with plastic can cruise...doesn't make em smarter, or less rude or ignorant... I better stop.....

FWIW I had read un updated news article that it had to do with either a "threesome" or a "love triangle". That at least makes the story a bit more interesting, although I can't for the life of me understand why up to 60 people found it necessary to get involved.


Perhaps as the old adage stating that nothing good ever happens after 2AM, it might also be said that nothing good ever happens in intimate relationships of more than 2 people.

Sorry, I was unavailable for the last few days. Unfortunately my advanced age won't allow me to fully recall whatever point I was feebly attempting to make at the time. I think I was just ranting about how Jim Walker's Cruise Law News Blog never offers any potential solutions to problems the cruise lines have. He just writes about all the "evil" things he finds about the lines in his screed.

Don't get me wrong. He'd be my first call if I ever needed legal representation dealing with a cruise line. I just think he could occasionally offer some "constructive criticism", with potential solutions.

Yep...this shouldn't surprise anybody...nw if I could predict a winning lottery ticket.......

Nope .. not that I could see .. not in anyones jurisdiction

That reminded me to see if there was any kind of follow up to this by any kind of law enforcement...couldn't find squat...anybody??

its all fun and games until somebody gets their feelings hurt.

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