I put up a post titled #1000

Where I basically thanked everyone for the good stuff that usually happens "in here". Cept when I click on it, it takes me "elsewhere". Mebbe it didn't like me starting it with "#" ?? can anybody else see it?

19 Answers

I got a bunch of errands to run a couple of towns over..be gone most of the day...its called getting the H out of Dodge.....yuk yuk...fwiw, from time to time we have discussed getting a box for the reasons set forth in another post. ...THEN we get a grip. I never bought one of those burial suits with the special pocket you can put all yer $$ in.

I wonder why it is that some people, when you criticize a certain type of stateroom, take it personally and have to attack back? Why not try discussing the merits of your choice of cabin? It is called conversation, people!

(This is not an attack on anyone on this board, especially Kennicott. It is rather a temper tantrum thrown toward the poster on that facebook page, as well as many on that other forum.)

So why not ask what an "interior suite" is?...you aint shy....sq. ft., amenities, the usual. yeh it was probably just a way of saying cabin, but who knows....

By coincidence, the other day on a F.B. closed Princess passenger forum someone made a o.p. post that said this:

"I posted a few days ago that I would not take an offer to downgrade to a interior suite, well I have to eat my words, I excepted the offer, it was to good to refuse"

There was a huge volume of comment, the bulk of which came from interior cabin lovers. Some, including yours truly wondered what an "interior suite" is? I've never heard of such. That was never explained, except most decided he was just using the "Suite" reference interchangeably with "cabin". One lady even asked "inside, outside window, porthole, full suite, what's the difference, it is just splitting hairs". I refrained from commenting on that one.

However, I did post this: "No way. Not even if they give me a free cruise. An inside cabin has to be the ultimate downgrade. However, I've never even heard of an "Interior Suite" might be another story if it is like 1000 square feet. Regarding inside cabins, there are pros and cons regarding them--------- Today, you might just consider this ramification, particularly in light of the Oasis of the Seas returning to port early loaded with the Noro: If in the chance you contract something and have to be quarantined to your cabin,-------the cruise lines insist you stay put in your cabin, they provide you all meals, etc. You violate that, they send you home at the next port, your expense. On our cruises, where we have had nice balconies, that eventuality wouldn't bother me at all since we loved our cabins. However, I might go nuts in one of those inside cabins."

Wow, talk about getting castigated and castrated.

Knowing myself, I would not remain (as) sane. Although not a problem for a short time (such as an elevator), I do tend to ease into panic mode due to mild claustrophobia. I would never enjoy an inside cabin.

Just occurred to me...lots of people cruise in those "boxes" by choice...(we touched on that in another thread I think....) well, if we cruised in an inside, I just multiplied my estimate of the difference between that and a midships balcony times the number of cruises we have had to date, and the $$ amount is scary...gawd knows how many extra cruises that would've meant.....but...no matter...even if I wanted to cruise in one the MISTRESS OF THE UNIVERSE has already told me she'll wave to me from her balcony. dunno about visitation tho. heheheh

It sounds like the OP on that thread has his/her priorities in order!

Cruise first and ask questions later!

That's a hoot...and says something about "us"...broke, fallen on hard times, relegated to a box...and keep on cruising anyway. hmmmm…….

Haw-----When I clicked on it I wasn't paying much attention. Started reading, and you were saying you had fallen on hard times, were broke and relegated to claustrophobic inside cabins for the rest of your cruising career. Anyway I was reading fast, then realized something was amiss.

Thankyou muchly...I tried to redo it, but I think I liked the first version better...no biggie...

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