This came in over the weekend from my home port of Boston:

8 Answers

Ship happens Happy

I like the dent. I think it gives the old "Gabby G" a bit of "character", and the crew gets a hell of a story to tell.

But what I really love is the following line from the article "No injuries were reported aboard the cruise ship." WHEW! that's dodging a bullet. You'd think a big monster cruise ship smacking into a dinky fishing boat would have caused massive injuries on the ship. I can picture all the bodies in the buffet line being knocked over like dominos and all the sunbathers being rolled out of their lounge chairs onto the hard deck. The lines of people waiting for treatment for their injuries at sick bay could have stretched 6 decks high up the stairwell.

Lucky break.

Yeah .. way too many unanswered questions here but in my mind the fishing boat was clearly in the wrong ... and fishing at 02:30 many miles off the coast in heavy fog ??? ... someone was not thinking I suspect ... or drinking ....

How did this happen? I know exactly how.

I took this Hyper Lapse while leaving Miami back on March 27 on Oasis of the Seas. Notice all of the smaller vessels passing back and forth infront of the Ship. A Smaller ship should give way to larger vessels, and that did not happen.

Agree that it looked like the fishing boat hit the ship. But that’s not as sensational of a headline! It’s like being rear ended (the guy in back is usually at fault)! Sorry the fishing vessel was damaged but what can you expect when you hit a cruise ship?!?

Headline says cruise ship hit the fishing boat...quick look at the pic leads me to believe it was the other way around...regardless...stopping a cruise ship, or even altering course is just a tad harder than doing it on a fishing boat. and the fact they both have radar doesn't mean much when a couple of people make the same mistake at the same time. how do I know? you think stupidity or road rage only happens on the road? either way, the USCG takes a dim view of this, not to mention the pooh-bahs up on mahogany row

Fishing boat had to be towed. Not good.

Thanks fro sharing. I remember sailing in heavy fog on a Princess cruise. The fog horn was sounded several time during the night and many passengers complained. This incident shows exactly why that was important (and probaly legally required) to do!

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