9 Answers

WHOA!!! That sounds awful!

But I agree! No ones panties should be in a bunch right now.

I do not see the Doctors note as big deal. Just E-mail your GP and have them e-mail the note.

I have witnessed a passenger at the next table drop dead at dinner, THUD and face down in his dinner plate. Family screaming his name and pulling his head out of his dinner plate, grand children crying, ship Doctor was called, CPR and paddles used on the Dining room floor. He was carried out on a stretcher. It was all around bad, for the family, the crew and for all those that were close enough in the dining room to see this this happen. So I can see cruise lines wanting guest healthy enough to travel.

Cruise lines will do what they can to keep those cabins booked. I do not see them doing anything to alienate there biggest demographic. Just like RCI said no more Buffet and after the backlash now they said there will still be a buffet.

No point getting bothered until we know that it will happen.

All speculation. Too early to tell what the new world requires.

Except you're not making your own choice.. the cruise line (or the CDC) is making it FOR YOU...If I choose not to go, for any reason, that's MY decision..I don't need any help from Federal bureaucrats with an agenda, or cruise lines, who, I might add, will be killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

It's all about making our own choices and decisions. If the cruiseline requires a doctor's note from us, then we have a choice as to whether we get one and enjoy a fabulous vacation, or forgo the requirement and stay home or find another type of vacation. The choice will be up to us .

I think its blatant age discrimination, pure and simple...So the cruise line is going to front the cost of going to md's to get a hall pass to CRUISE??? You may not be sick when you go to the MD, but you may very well be sick by the time you leave. I think most folks our age are old enough to make their own decisions. I don't need the gov't or some cruise line helping me...Besides, when all this started, some fools actually believed it didn't affect very many "younger" age groups...wrong as usual...Our heath status is NONE of the cruise line business...mebbe they should ban everyone under say 25, for being too immature or stupid by refusing to wear a mask...

I can't imagine going to see a md...with a waiting room full of "sick" people, and when the nurse (who has to take her life in her hands every day) asks what you're there for, you tell em its to get a hall pass TO CRUISE.I can just imagine the reaction to that.

I'm mid 60s, hubby is early 70s and we both agree that having a medical note as a requirement for cruising is likely a good idea. It's for our own safety and the safety of everyone else on the ship - a little extra insurance. We've nothing to hide.

We shall see.....

Thanks for sharing. I plan to "worry" once everything is going again and only then if necessary. I don't like the idea of a doctor's note, but I can see the problem from the cruise lines' point of view. CYA Crying

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