
Thanks ABLEMAN...but I moved the link you found here on the odd chance folks might realize they probably won't have to worry about when to pack, or how to buy drink pkgs, or which deck is better, or which tours to take....etc etc etc...cruising as most of us know it is dead...and won't EVER come back the way we remembered it...and now, courtesy of the CDC's utterly impossible conditions, may never come back at all...If you haven't read it in its entirety, I strongly suggest you do so......this goes way beyond the inconvenience of wearing a mask...

Why should they care...after all, as has been pointed out...cruise lines pay virtually no taxes, employ almost no Americans (except up on mahogany row), and cater to folks who, one way or another have enough dough to cruise, and therefore could do something else...Yes, port cities will "hurt" like they have for over a year...who cares?...the CDC certainly doesn't..the airlines seem to be able to do pretty much as they please eh???..I wondered what we would do when the "balance is due" end of August for our cruise end of Nov.....I guess I should thank SAM for making up my mind for me.....

8 Answers

Deliberate slow roll. Let's see how NCL's plea works. If denied, it clearly will show the hypocrisy of the rules. If passengers and crews are vaccinated, low probability of any cases, and if they occur, non-consequential severity. Cruise industry is offering far more safe guards than any US hotel/resort chain or airline.

Oh sure...our gov't deals in billions before anyone notices, even trillions drip off their tongues as if they're meaningless.......you may have noticed those pols kick those numbers around like they're nothing .....those port fees go to the city where the port is located....the people who are in charge of all this are FEDERAL...and twelve steps away from caring one way or another about locals lost revenue. Granted, MIAMI being what it is, its a huge issue...TO THEM..The airlines on the other hand..transport millions of people all over...every day...and NOT just for fun, like the cruise lines do. Clearly, all the port fees in the entire US of A mean NOTHING to certain "decision-makers"...If they did, we'd be cruising and not discussing it.....I believe there are certain ports in the USA who simply CANNOT comply with what the cruise lines need to start....wait for the "next wave" of realignments............

They do pay taxes, it's included in your porting fee every time you cruise.

But I can see your point. For the life of me, I can't figure out why we can't cruise, but yet, we're allowed to fly with fully-booked planes.

OKOK...so I'm a tad calmer...but just a tad......but if I had to decide NOW instead of about 5 months from now whether to pay the balance due, I wouldn't...and of course that would get me po'd again...."hope is not a strategy..."...no kidding...folks who play in "the big game" and do their investing based on hope, well, they don't last very long....

Well stated, and you're not overreacting (IMHO). However, I think it will take your level of intensity by a very large number of influential people to move the needle on this thing. It appears to me that science is not really being followed here, for if it were then as OGW stated, hotels, resorts, schools etc..... would not be open to the extent & level they currently are.

OGW also stated this is an opening salvo in a battle. My question is, and always has been "What is this war about? It seems to not be about COVID. Not with all the evidence of successful cruise restarts in other parts of the world. I always believed there was/is a behind the scenes agenda being played out either by the CDC or the Administration. I quipped & opined with my way-out theories, but this is no joke. There are lots of good paying jobs being destroyed, but the govt simply DOES NOT WANT the cruise lines operating at this time, and by their current stance I don't think they will until the pandemic is formally declared over.

The only good news about all this is that it isn't carved in stone. Things can change quickly. That's all we, as consumers of the cruise lines product can hope for. I realize hope is not a strategy, but if that's all you got........

We asked for clarification and more detail from the CDC. I guess the old adage "be careful what you ask for" is perfectly played out in this.Sad

I hope you're right...except where SAM is concerned, I learned a long time ago not to get out of my bunker until absolutely positively necessary. How long is this "long drawn out battle" anyway. I just read DelRios actual letter in response...you'd think he just got permission to do anything anytime....he was absolutely gushing....the big three's stox are up a couple bux....one wonders just how many folks have actually read the thing, in its entirety....i'm still po'd............

Your over reacting ..... Hey you told me to tell you .....

So ,, why did the CDC not also include schools, hotels, resorts and any other large venue where people congregate for long periods of time?

I suspect that this is just the first salvo in what may be a long drawn out battle and that changes to this are inevitable.

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