I'm trying to decide between Florence or Pisa! Ideally, I'd like to do both, but it just doesn't seem feasible & after doing 2 days of tours in Naples & Rome, a third might be pushing it. I'm torn between Florence, which I've heard is amazing, but probably would warrant a return trip in the future to see & do more. Or, Pisa seems neat, but seems like it would be a half day trip. I've also looked into Lucca & Cirque, as possible alternatives to couple with Lucca & Cirque, but I'm not sure. Any recommendations?
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Florence vs. Pisa
12 Answers
When I went (Celebrity Cruise Line) they had an excursion that gave you a couple hours in Pisa and a few hours in Florence. This was not a tour, just a buss to both places and back to the ship. This was good to get a sampling of both places since we just had one port day. Both were good stops. In Pisa we stopped near the leaning tower and had enough time to look around but not enough to climb the tower stairs tour. In Florence we had time to see "The David", the Cathedral, walk around, shop and get some lunch. It was a long day but was a good day. It is great stuff to see, when I read the Dan Brown books I could picture in my mind the areas they went through as I had been there before.
If you can do both----do it... Italy is an expensive trip by land or sea. That in mind, you probably wont be going back to often. I've been to Rome before because it was part of a London, Paris and Rome trip (13 days). My mother and I are going to do a land tour of Italy starting in Milan and ending in the Isle of Capri in 2018. Yeah, Pompeii is in there too. That's my dream stop. She only wants to see Florence. Living on the east coast saves me a little bit in air fare, but that bill for the both of us is a bit staggering. So, after that I wont be going back to Italy no way shape or form for a number of years. So, with that in mind, see all that you can see when you can see it. You may regret it later.