Down over $2 to a whopping $7...after announcing a worse than predicted quarter...whats next for the beancounters?? limiting guests to one meal per day?? FWIW, the others didn't fare much better...

23 Answers

The big losses were during Covid shut down and, while not originally forecasted, were to be expected given the travel shut down. It will take time to recover.

Well, I guess its time to invest more into carnival...

That is exactly right..combining a seemingly endless supply of dry powder, battalions of analysts whose sole job is to, well, analyze, computers that trade in nanoseconds, and a choke factor so high a normal retail investor would be on oxygen. OOPS, almost forgot...knowing when to bail even on an apparent winner. GREED KILLS.

Yeh, its a gamble, but NOT just like the casino. In a casino, the ENTIRE operation is designed from the minute you walk in the door for you to lose. But, to each his own. I assume you already bought it when it hit an incredible low. The market did its usual dead cat bounce, so you could spend more if you wait..Good luck

Yup, almost any investment aside from government bonds is a gamble. Some with better odds than others.

Venture Capitalists that fund upstarts generally spread their investments across a variety of seemingly promising companies, knowing full well that some will never make it but one or more will hit it big. The ones that hit more than make up for the ones that missed and the VCs always make big money in the end.

Nobody ever generated significant wealth without taking some measure of risk along the way.

I have Stock (and bought for the benefit of getting the OBC on each cruise) with the price drop I am buying more with all the restrictions being lifted 2023 will be a better year for CCL stock (IMHO) its a gamble just like the casino

Yep PD...Discipline, nerves of steel, being flat out cold blooded when it comes to $$. and learning.there is NO SUCH THING as "house money"....its in your stack...or in your portfolio...its YOURS...but...see rule 1...GREED KILLS....saying its ok to lose it is just an excuse for violating rule had it, and couldn't keep it... Even if all you want to do is "waste it" on something as superfluous as cruising, its better than giving it back because of....ummm....what are the words so I don't get "MOD"ified ......heheheheh...stare at the KB.., you all know them......I've said them often enough to the guy in my mirror while shaving...that stash is like having some kind of servant in your house, made to work, and I do mean WORK, 24/7...whilst I sit on my keister.....

Make no mistake, the financial hole they're in is enormous, and a lot of things have to go very right in order for them to get out of it. Unfortunately a lot of it is out of their control. Definitely not a stock I want to add to my portfolio.

And lets not forget that inflation is cutting deep into household discretionary spending, hence I see either:

A. Bookings to go down or remain flat.

B. Existing bookings to be "leaner affairs" i.e. less onboard spending.

OR C. Both of the above.

As I had previously stated, I am already suspicious of the rosy booking projections they were trumpeting a few months back. Personally I believe reorganization is in their future, especially when I read awhile back that they have over $35B in debt. Also, the amount of dilution to their stock via numerous offerings over the last couple years should give one pause.

No, not what I would call a "sound investment" at this time.

Everything you've said rings true! It takes discipline and at times nerves of steel to be successful. I was fortunate enough to retire very early long ago, so looking after investments is my primary "job". Over the years, I learned to think of my investments more as numbers with analytics and goals, and less as "money". If you can make the emotional disconnection between your brokerage accounts and "money", you'll be able to invest with much less stress. People who can't make that disconnection will always have sleepless nights, stressful days and will be continually second-guessing their decisions whenever things begin to go south. Mutual funds are probably a better choice for them. And.... you're absolutely right about different strategies applying as one ages. I'd like to start unwinding the majority of positions over the next few years, and treasuries are now starting to look good.

To be specific about CCL, I didn't buy it only for the shareholder benefit, because barring a chapter 11 filing, I think it has some potential over the next few years. Maybe it'll pay off, and maybe it won't. I have waaaay more than the amount needed for the benefit, but it's less than a half percent of total holdings, so zero stress here.

Not even worth it for that. Depending on when you took the plunge, Last Fri it could have cost $738. Today, even with all 3 indices flying, its was as low as $650. So far...Not likely to get to 10 or 12, and if someone thinks the discount (with all its rules and disclaimers) is worth it, well, just ask what they paid to buy those 100 shares back in the day........I used to go to school when it rained...It may be chump change NOW, but I'd still rather put the 700 in my pocket. And yeh, my crystal ball tells me those rules need to be updated, but then, I'm not on CCL's payroll....come to think of it, I'm on nobody's payroll, and haven't been for a loooooong time. If thats a true measure of success playing in the BIG GAME, then I'm successful...the object now, in this fractured market, for me, at this stage, is preservation...after I'm gone, folks can dig me up and complain...GREED KILLS....

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