Carnival all talk and no do

Last trip on Dream I got hit in the ankle by a drunk scooter driver, got a good bruise. Nothing done, limped to guest services and they told me to go to medical. On our deck(2) there were 5 scooters on our corridor outside the cabins. According to Carnival policy they should be in cabin.The scooter people are getting meaner as the passengers are getting rude to them, crowding on elevators, so they have to wait for 2 or 3 elevators come down and some caring passengers lets them on. Also Carnival put out they hired more security, only saw one security guard on the whole 8 day cruise, standing by the teen night club. Carnival said teens have to be in cabins by a certain time, saw teens in hot tub in rear at 2 am. no security(I do midnite walks). Carnival said they will tag chairs to keep chair hogs from hogging chairs. . Saw chairs with same towels,etc. on them all morning no tags on them. Where are Carnivals drug sniffing dogs? Could smell weed someone next to my balcony was smoking, no security. So what Carnival puts out it is hot air. I was on Dream last week

16 Answers

Thanks! That’s useful to see, like you say though a ban does nothing than prevent, doesn’t solve it ruining for others.

here's a recent one, and there are others, but they hardly put a dent on the creepoids who ruin the experience for everybody else...

Isn't this the way with most security guards the world over? Certainly in the UK they have very little power unless you're breaking the law. Has anyone ever heard of cruise ships banning passengers? Genuine question, I've not seen it reported anywhere...

No, they land in the water....pesky is for trolls, skeeters and gnats...the fallers/jumpers/balcony climbers are something else entirely.


What happens on the ship, STAYS on the ship !! Wink


Except for those pesky Overboard Passengers - they can't seem to stay on the ship and always manage to land on the Internet.

There, I said it...

Whew, thanks for clarifying. For a second there I thought I was going to see your image on a can of Bud Light.

Any open stool beside me, would ALWAYS welcome you and your sage advice.

In the TMI category - our livers seem identical.

Re: living in the past - I am a dreamer of looking for the good in people, and giving everyone at least one free pass (assuming they are having a bad day). Two bad days ? -- a yellow flag comes up.

More ??? Oh, the dreaded red flag, and distance is required.

Returning to the topic - the rest of my family LOVES Carnival Cruise Line.

Yes, I am the Princess (person). And NO - AB - not dressing up as one. Just Princess Cruise Line person.

They say misery loves company....but.....

If you could explain to me how you do that, i would join you...fluids work, but not permanently... my liver is corroded I guess it doesn't matter.......this stool taken???

OK, OK !!! You BOTH caught me. I am still living in the past. THANK YOU for dragging me into the slime of the 21st century. I was very comfortable in the days of yore (and innocence).

Two words: VIDEO and INTERNET.

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