"Be descriptive": "It was a dark and stormy night, a ship appeared on the horizon, a shot rang out..."

This is us, (apologies to Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris):

Old folks - he older than she - he's sailed on ships that have long since been scrapped, owned by companies that no longer exist......she started around ten years back. Our latest lost favorite was CDF/Pullmantur....sorry to see them go, (and if there is a miraculous resurrection we fear that their fleet will be comprised of vessels that we regard as less than optimal sizewise).

17 Answers

And suddenly an iceberg appeared out of nowhere sinking the ship. End of thread.

until…….Marjory Taylor Greene DEMANDED an investigation into why Israel sank the ship. When asked why she thought Israel sank the ship, she replied , “ it was sunk by a Berg . Isn’t that a Jewish name ?


oh don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m Jewish and it’s an old joke

This group needs some serious help......MORE CRUISES!!!

Ashot range out and the Chef said.... Duck for dinner!

Woodstock liked how this thread started. He thought a happy dance was soon to break out, but it was time for a ball game so everyone left. Oh, well ! Time for a nap. Maybe I will dream about me favorite capt'n - - -

Capt'n Jack-ie-O.

What a Pearl she be !! Black as a lump of coal at midnight on the high seas.


There, since we decided to get political...

Keep the drink.

And now for something completely different .....

I like that one. But Chief Dan George had always been a favorite and that movie had some of the best lines ever.

Really ? I pegged you for a Monty Python and the Holy Grail type of gal. Considering the period dress and all.

I figured if anyone could build a large wooden badger, it would be you.

Nah! Stick around, we are a trainable (I think) group!

My absolute favorite movie and quote!Love

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