5 Things to Know About Buying Duty-Free on a Cruise

cruise ship duty free shopping store
The definition for the term "duty-free" is not clear for many travelers. - Photo by Norwegian Cruise Line

All travelers have heard the term duty-free, and most of us know that you’ll find duty-free products in airports, on cruise ships, and even in some cruise ports. But what does it really mean, and what are the ins and outs of goods coined with that term? Here, we cover the basics of buying duty-free during a cruise.

1. What does "duty-free" mean, anyway?

duty free shopping store cruise ship
Photo by Norwegian Cruise Line

Technically, it means that goods sold in a foreign country have entered that country without local import taxes. It can only be done with a product that has never mingled with regular goods and can’t be sold to locals. To remain duty-free, customers must soon leave the country where they bought the products. This is why you’ll see legitimate duty-free shopping in airports and on cruise ships, because the products aren’t being sold to locals who live near the cruise ports. Upon returning to the US, each traveler has an $800 exemption, and the next $1,000 worth of goods has a flat rate of 3 percent that must be paid. (If you’re traveling as a family, collectively your family may have up to $1,600 exemption.) In other words, if you spend $800 or less, you won’t have to pay a duty. 


2. What items can you usually find duty-free on a cruise ship?

royal caribbean cruise ship store shopping
Photo by Shutterstock/Solarisys

The most popular duty-free items on cruises are bottles of liquor, cigarettes, and jewelry. You can also often find makeup, purses, clothing, chocolate, and a variety of luxury goods. Today, most shops offer a variety of shopping experiences while onboard from the fan favorite logo shop or brand boutiques such as Kate Spade, EFFY, Longines, and many more.


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3. How can you be sure you're getting a good deal?

duty free shopping cruise ship perfume
Photo by Shutterstock/Miki Studio

Three words: do your research! If you know there’s something you might like to buy ahead of time, do your due diligence online or in local stores before your cruise and write down the prices you find so that you can compare once onboard. If you find something once you’re on the ship that you’re wondering about, you can buy some internet time to look it up or wait until you’re in a port and find a wifi connection. One thing to keep an eye on is deals and promotions. Using bottles of liquor as an example, sometimes the price of a single bottle will still be better than you might find at home, but an even better deal could be getting two for a better price than if you were to buy the same two bottles separately. Also, pay attention to the size of the bottles you’re interested in. Maybe the price doesn’t look like a good deal compared to what you’ll find at home until you realize this is actually a 1-liter bottle and your local liquor store has 750 ml ones. Like anything else, not all alcohol will be a good deal, so do your research.


4. What shouldn’t you buy on the ship?

store shopping duty-free toiletries cruise
Photo by Shutterstock/Iakov Filimonov

Steer clear of toiletries and medication unless you absolutely need them, as these items are easily double on the ship as what you’d pay on land. The best line of defense against being forced to purchase essentials is using a thorough cruise packing list while packing so you don’t forget anything you need. If you’re prone to seasickness, don’t forget about packing your favorite go-to medication or sea bands. Some ships do offer complimentary seasick meds, but don't count on it.

Another type of product to stay away from buying on your cruise is electronics of any kind. Even if you save some money, it won’t be worth it in terms of warranties, returns or exchanges, and repairs if you have an issue once you are home or during the warranty period. Other than simple things you might have forgotten like batteries or memory cards, stick with buying your electronics back home.


5. What about buying duty-free in port?

duty free shopping cruise ship port
Photo by Shutterstock/RaksyBH

The same general guidelines apply in port. Do price-comparisons and think critically about what you actually need to buy in a port. If it’s a product you can easily buy at home, weigh the pros and cons and remember — it’s going to have to fit in your luggage and possibly be within a weight requirement, too. One thing that we love to look for in ports is brands and specific products that we can’t find at home, such as Dominican or Costa Rican coffee in their respective countries, chocolate in Grenada and of course, the ever-famous Tortuga Rum Cake. Be sure to do your research, stick to brands you know, and when shopping in the ports, ask if they have a US-based office. Many companies such as Diamonds International and EFFY actually have offices in the US for any post-purchase issues. For big purchases, be sure to check with the Port Shopping Guide onboard your ship for additional assistance - they can be a great resource of information as well as ensuring the store has the item you are looking for, ready for your inspection upon arrival.

Tip: Another great tool is the "Port Shopping" section in our app, Ship Mate. Be sure to check out the stores in your ports of call ahead of time as this will save you lots of time in port. Plus, the maps make it easy to find your favorite stores!

Join the discussion

Do you ever buy duty-free goods on a cruise? What type of product do you pick up?


Posted by Lish77

I normally purchase souvenirs for family and friends, and will pick up a trinket for myself. I learned from sailing on Princess previously to never ever buy jewelry in the islands. We were sailing on Princess, and they supposedly backed anything expensive you were purchasing from the stores they recommend. My husband had bought me Tanzanite jewelry for our anniversary, and when we got back home, I had it inspected by a gemologist, and he said that it was nothing but glorified costume jewelry. He said to never purchase jewelry in the islands, because it is nothing but junk. When I called Princess, they would not back my purchase. I told them that I had purchased the jewelry at Diamonds International, and then they tried to tell me that I had not completed some form, which I had completed everything that they gave me, and I turned it into the pursers desk. After that experience, I will never again purchase any expensive jewelry except in the area where I live.

Posted by cruisellama

I bought a high end watch once. I was aware of the price in my area and found the $300 less in the port plus I saved sales tax. Its not always the case. You need to know prices ahead of time or have internet access so you can do some research ahead of time.

Posted by TQH

Buying expensive stuffs on the cruise ship. Or at the islands 🙄🤔🤔 You have better chance buy that stuffs at local flea markets!!

Posted by Fatblokekev

Explorer 2 Duty Free Shop - One Item BUYER BEWARE! This review is Purely about one item in the Duty Free Shop - The cruise was great but this is the only way I can bring this point to prospective cruisers. I bought the iTouch 3 Air on a Mediterranean Cruise, being highly recommended by the salesman in the duty free shop. What a mistake!!! Firstly, BUYER BEWARE! The warranty offered for this watch is only valid in the USA. Ridiculous really when it is sold all over the world. Secondly, after only 15 weeks of wear it started to rust on the underside due to a small amount of sweat. If I was a young man using the watch in my exercise regime it would be bad enough, but I am 70 years old, don't do any exercise, and certainly do not abuse my watch. I tried to claim under warranty and was told by Ross G, one of their "Customer Experience Specialists", and I quote, "After carefully reviewing the information you sent, we regret to inform you that this isn't covered by the warranty and this falls under the wear and tear category". How can 15 weeks sedentary use when it rusts on a normal arm and not immersed in water, be NORMAL wear and tear? The final nail in the coffin in this sad saga is, Ross G offered me "As a thank you for sticking with us, we would love to offer you a discount on a new purchase. Please use code: ####### for 20% off your next purchase should you be interested." Why oh why would I even consider wasting more money on more product that is not fit for purpose? iTouch would not offer any compensation apart from a future discount. If you are considering buying this watch, your choice, but consider the above. AGAIN -THIS IS OUT OF THE CONTROL OF MARELLA, BUT IT NEEDED TO BE HIGHLIGHTED. Perhaps Marella could remove this item from sale? See Trustpilot reviews here: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/itouchwearables.com

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