Disney Treasure Cruise Reviews - Onboard Activities - Kids areas


Kids Area

Explore Disney Treasure Kids Areas

Edge Photo


Edge is a lounge and interactive play space set up exclusively for tweens (ages 11 to 14), featuring...

Fairytale Hall Photo

Fairytale Hall

Create Your Own Storybook Memories. Step inside a classic fairytale setting come to life—and enjo...

“it’s a small world” Nursery! Photo

“it’s a small world” Nursery!

In this whimsical daycare center inspired by the beloved Disney attraction, little cruisers 6 months...

Mickey & Minnie Captain’s Deck  Photo

Mickey & Minnie Captain’s Deck

Designed for the littlest cruisers, this nautically themed space is complete with activities and gam...

Star Wars Cargo Bay Photo

Star Wars Cargo Bay

Encounter a galaxy far, far away at Star Wars: Cargo Bay in Disney's Oceaneer Club. Step aboard a st...

Vibe Photo


Teens ages 14 to 17 can listen to music, watch TV, play interactive games and kick back in style at...

Walt Disney Imagineering Lab Photo

Walt Disney Imagineering Lab

Through engaging hands-on activities, kids ages 3 to 12 can experience the thrill of stepping into t...

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