Great cruise, ports, weather and total expereince by dcmcb
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleShip: Celebrity Solstice / Destination: South Pacific - Australia
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Great cruise, ports, weather and total expereince by dcmcb
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleGood cruise but too many sea days, Hit or miss excursions by kromley1
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleAwesome cruise out of a great city by tlspilot
Sail date: / Traveled as: Couplevery good by katia120
Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/FriendsGreat experience by mmfair
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleSplendid scenery, mediocre weather by jcdolphin
Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/FriendsNew Zealand was beautiful. Didn’t get to go to a scheduled scenery due to rough seas so we were at sea 3 days before first port. by jaaron1102
Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/FriendsOne off the Bucket list by allenhbrowning
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleSolstice slightly off colour by gwebsterg
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleSpectacular New Zealand by joekrajew
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleAustralia/ New Zealand by SoloTraveler1
Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/FriendsFirst Princess Cruise and LOVED it! by TrentHunt
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleMany G'days on our voyage around Australia by joekrajew
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleGreat Overview of New Zealand by mphpjh
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleDiamond? Really should be called Cubic Zirconium Princess by joannmondrus
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleDisappointing by glennstan
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleCruise itself was great by mlinville1262
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleOur first cruise by sherylglasgow
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleWonderful Celebrity Cruise by stringbeanca
Sail date: / Traveled as: CoupleTasmania by jjevans2
Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple* is not a booking agent or travel agency, and does not charge any service fees to users of our site. Our partners (travel agencies and cruise lines) provide prices, which we list for our users' convenience. does not guarantee any specific rates or prices. While prices are updated daily, please check with the booking site for the exact amount. is not responsible for content on external web sites.