Victoria, British Columbia Port Q&A
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20 Answers
You require a passport to board the ship if you are stopping in Canada, you will be denied boarding without one and lose your money as well. It has no bearing on whether or not you choose to get off or not. Americans require Passports to enter Canada, unless you are driving and have an enhanced drivers licence, the same as we Canadians require a passport to enter you country.
Answered by deboftheseas on February 24, 2023
it appears her cruise begins and ends in Seattle. just to make sure. isnt the following correct? Closed-loop cruises from U.S. ports that visit Bermuda, Canada, the Caribbean and Mexico are part of an international agreement that allows U.S. citizens to cruise without a passport
Answered by jallaway on February 24, 2023
I dont even think you can get on the ship without a passport .....
Answered by shipbarnicle on February 24, 2023
you'd be best to contact the cruise line directly to ensure you have the proper documents. Royals' web site specifically says "no refunds if you arrive without the required documentation" IMHO, if they say documentation isn't required, GET THAT IN WRITING, and have it with you when you check in. It's better to expect the worst and be prepared than to be out thousands of $$
Answered by ASYoung on February 24, 2023
To answer your question the only time you have to get off the ship is at the end of your cruise!
Answered by booger1xx on February 24, 2023
No, you do not need to get off the ship in Victoria.
Answered by Believenpeace on February 25, 2023
I would agree and check with the cruise line. We went to Canada and all 4 have passports last June but I find it hard to believe the entire Splendor ship to Alaska had passports.
Answered by mary0909 on February 24, 2023
Seems everyone is not reading the question as I did at first and went back and answered what was written.
Answered by booger1xx on February 25, 2023
Deb is correct!!! Make sure you have a passport if you are sailing to Canada!
Answered by crusin4gramma on February 24, 2023
I’ve only stopped in Canada with Princess and they made us fill customs cards. You can’t fill those without a passport number. Would assume it’s the same for every cruise line.
Answered by cruisingem on February 25, 2023
In 24 cruises we have only been asked for a passport once and that was in St. Kitts if memory serves me.
Answered by booger1xx on February 24, 2023
You can remain on the ship. I would think you can get off ship in Canada with identification and cruise card.
Answered by rvwhitt4 on February 25, 2023
check with your cruiseline directly!
Answered by crusin4gramma on February 26, 2023
To add to my answer, I was on Carnival Splendor. We are working on getting our passports though for other reasons. But you can have a enchaned license, I didn't get off the ship in Victoria.
Answered by Shewhofallsalot on February 25, 2023
Arrive Can app is no longer required, and if you did your own homework, the US government site says expect your passport in 8-12 weeks PLUS delivery time.
Answered by ASYoung on February 25, 2023
I Sailed to Alaska and Canada and only had my birth certificate and my enchaned license, that's all I needed plus the ArriveCan app,that was August 2022.
Answered by Shewhofallsalot on February 25, 2023
Wether you remain on the ship or not, you are entering Canadian water so they still require passport info.
Answered by cruisingem on February 25, 2023
it's not hard to get a passport, I'm on my third or fourth one
Answered by LilStarChild on February 25, 2023
I agree with Jallaway. but since you are getting different responses I would contact cruise line for correct answer. They will be the one who denies you boarding if you don't have proper documentation
Answered by sundayfix on February 26, 2023
cruises that start and end in the U.S. (with the exception of a listed few) authorized copy of a birth certificate and enhanced id will do. passport is recommended because a passport would be needed if you unexpectedly have to fly out from Canada.
Answered by PVPHS97 on February 28, 2023