Mount St. Helens, Washington Port Reviews


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9 Mount St. Helens, Washington Port Reviews

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by Mable2746

Hearing and watching the video on the ACL bus as we drove up to the park was so enlightening. I had forgotten about the devastation of the volcano and seeing the remnants 42 years later still is amazing. Very little has grown back in all these years.

Visited: Apr 07, 2022

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by acohen

Included excursion to volcano that erupted in 1980. Wonderful but sombering experience that reminds us of the power of nature. Great to see the areas recovery.


by GWSilver

Be sure to take this tour. We learned a lot and the ride up on the ACL bus was lovely.


by x464

We docked in Kalama and our excursion was to Mt. St. Helens! What an awesome display of the power of nature! My husband live only 100 miles from the mountain and this was our first trip to see it! Shame on us! Thank you ACL Harmony for such an incredible experience.


by surfergal

Mount St. Helens was magnificent. It was so interesting to discover the effects of the volcano on this area. We could still see the trees that were felled on that momentous occasion.


by goodgolfer1

Beautiful bus ride to the mountain. Tour guide explained everything as we traveled to the mountain. Never realized the effect that the eruption had on such a vast area!!!

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