Fanning Island, Kiribati Port Reviews


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36 Fanning Island, Kiribati Port Reviews

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by CharlesA55

I have been here a couple of time for work, as I work on a ship. If you are a serious history buff, this place is amazing. The islands are covered in Japanese fortifications, equipment, and ship wrecks. At low tide you can also see many US tanks that appear in the water. The rest however is what most of the reviews talk about. Only 5% of the island is actually powered. It survives only by donations from other countries. And it estimates as at all accurate, it will fade into the ocean over the next 40 or 50 years. So most of the population has began leaving.


by keko

Long shuttle ride, not much there. Plus side is this place has not been visited by a lot of tourism. Didn't find Good snorkeling. No shops just local crafts. The ship brings school supplies and donations for the islands. Tourist are welcome to bring supplies for school children .

Visited: Mar 09, 2019

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by JasonTheExcited

I know a lot of people complain about the travel time to come here, but my wife and I absolutely loved seeing such a primitive island. The water so clear and blue and beach was awesome too. The seas were rough, but it made for an amazing pool party. The pool turned into a wave pool and everyone instantly became best friends while enjoying the crazy seas. I loved seeing everyone stumbling back and forth in the halls trying to keep balance. Bad side would be if you get motion sick(which many did), but we have strong stomachs and had a great time

by ShareenP

A completely cool place to go and wonderful to just walk and snorkle and see the island. I would have liked a lot more time, and wished I had snorkled oceanside. It's an amazing opportunity to just see nature and one of the most remote places. We walked because bicycle rentals were so outrageous. This should be made reasonable of $10 a day, not an hour.

Visited: Dec 01, 2007

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by Jwd98056

We were skirting a storm for most of the South Pacific part of the cruise. The wind was so bad the captain decided it wasn't safe to use tenders. We could see some pretty good sized breakers hitting on both sides of the channel so it was probably a good thing. The only South Pacific port that we had clear blue skies was Nuka Hiva. I only gave it 1 star since we didn't get to go ashore, not because the island would not have been an interesting experience.

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