St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Port Reviews


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580 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Port Reviews

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by Grandmama45

This has to be the biggest disappointment on a trip I’ve ever been on. The people where miserable and frowning everywhere we went. They are incredibly rude. Russia is very dirt and falling apart. Our group was on a two day best of St Petersburg tour and over half of the bus did not go on the second day. The tour guide was not happy to do her job. Tour started at 7 am we arrived at the first stop and the venue was not open yet it did not open until 9 am. So we stood out in the 2 degree weather as it snowed on us waiting for an hour to get inside the palace. How can a tour not check to see when things open? Instead of letting us on the bus to wait they said it was against their countries rules to sit on the bus,really? It was crazy. Nobody was ALLOWED to go to the washroom. Even though the WC was available. Again crazy. The guide actually yelled at one gentleman for trying to use it and proceeded to grab the door and slam it shut. To make it even better lunch was include,what they don’t mention is that they don’t take you until 3 pm! So wet,starving,bursting,and very unhappy. I would not recommend this tour ever. The only good was the museum and a palace and the museum we had half an hour.


by WallyR

This is the jewel of the cruise. Beautiful city with amazing museums Take the Alla Tours 2 day tour. Cheaper than cruise line tour and groups limited to 16

Visited: Aug 17, 2019

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by michbo

You may bypass getting a visa if you take an excursion. You can book one through your cruise line or find one online. We were able to use Rubles or US dollars. They don't take Euros as much.

Visited: Jun 18, 2017

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by cnewton157

Given visas are needed for a lot of guests to get off the boat, definitely take advantage of at least one excursion. But also be prepared as English speakers to have excursions canceled and a plan for a backup. You will be given little notice of a cancellation.

Visited: May 21, 2016

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