Reykjavik, Iceland Port Q&A

How far from city?

Asked on January 16, 2023 by BAH4me

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4 Answers

About 4 kms if you walk it. It’s walkable, relatively flat along the oceanfront. But if you have luggage, get transport.

Answered by DreaminAgain on January 18, 2023

It is walkable from the port to the city. You follow a path along the oceanfront, so it’s relatively flat, but it’s about 4kms and will take you over an hour one way to walk. I wouldn’t do it with luggage, but I did it while we were docked in port, because I had time to and I wanted to walk around the city.

Answered by DreaminAgain on January 18, 2023

you dock acros the street

Answered by jjbj on January 17, 2023

About 4 kms to walk

Answered by DreaminAgain on January 18, 2023

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