Port of Spain Port Reviews


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78 Port of Spain Port Reviews

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by Anne3Bill

Ship tour: Cancelled our Maracas Waterfall tour. We substituted a scenic drive with botanical garden. Garden was skipped with no replacement activity. Traffic was awful.


by cruisin1081

Princess excursion to St. Benedicts Monastary. This excursion could have been wonderful. As it was, we had an inexperienced tour guide who read random facts to us as we drove around town. We went to the Monastary, which is beautiful and interesting, sat through a presentation, were served coffee and sweet breads which was nice. We were not given an opportunity to wander around the grounds at all, or discover "quiet bird filled gardens". We were inside, watched a presentation, saw the graveyard, got back on the bus which took us up to the church where we had 15 minutes to look at were directed to go to the gift shop prior to getting on the bus ( so we could spend money there). For the next two hours we were driven around, stopped at the "botanical garden" which was nothing more than a city park with families having picnics and cookouts in pavilians. We were paraded through the "botanical garden" to the concrete block bathroom facility and then paraded back to the bus. NO looking around the garden or strolling through it. It was obvious that we only stopped for a restroom break and the restroom was 1/2 a mile from the bus. I felt so, so bad for mobility challenged people as it was such a long walk just to use the restroom. We then reboarded the bus and were driven around another hour looking at the town buildings. There are some gorgeous old buildings in this town, but a lot of very run down and crime ridden areas. By about halfway through the excursion very few people on the bus were even paying attention to the guide and honestly, I had begun to feel like I was being held hostage long before they returned us to the port. It was really disappointing and nothing like the relaxing calm description of the excursion.

Visited: Jan 12, 2019

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by Carrick7577

I shall just review one of the ports as to be honest once you've visited one you've seen them all. Yes some beautiful beaches and stunning scenery but most of the merchandise is the same at each port, it just carries the name of the port you are visiting. You have to run the gauntlet of people trying to persuade you to take a tour of the island with them. They had fixed itineries so its difficult to get anyone to set up an individual itinerary of places you personally want to visit. You have to do it with about 6/8 other people or its really expensive and each tour takes you to a view point on the island that shows a view of the ship in port.How many pics of the ship from on high does one need! We did a nice tour in St Lucia of the drivers fruit farm which was a nice break from the norm. We were treated to fresh fruits pucked steaight from the trees and an informative chat with friendly famiky members. My only comment was that the driver was a bit personal and came out with statements like "once you've had black you'll never go back!" Referring to women who had slept with black men, i just found it distasteful. He also wanted us to write in his guestbook and asked for email, address, occupation which needless to say no one on the bus gave.

Visited: Jan 22, 2019

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