Sitka, Alaska Port Reviews


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995 Sitka, Alaska Port Reviews

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by Cindy2luz

With this port, there wasn’t much to do. We just walked around a little bit and then went on a little small tour and we did wheel watching and there really wasn’t any whales. We only saw like one.

by rvaughn30

This was my first visit to Sitka and honestly I didn't see much of it. I mainly went into the town to have lunch and take a quick look around. Did not do any shore excursions.

by PNWpalmers

The line for the shuttle was more than an hour, standing in the cold rain for most of it. Awful experience. Run down, not a lot open, felt a tad unsafe. The nature was gorgeous though.


by WeMustCruise

Excellent Flora & Fauna excursion and a nice town for souvenir shopping.


by acalhoun2779

We regretfully did not pre-purchase a shore excursion from the cruise line and although we did eventually find one once we got into town, it was stressful and the van was cramped. Overall what we did was fun but it was quick - not sure if our experience would have been better if we had planned better. We went to the Raptor Center, Fortress of the Bears and had a walk around totem park.


by Rphilosopher

It’s just a city. We took a bus, walked to a restaurant had a bite to eat and came back.


by Islandtime32

We hiked ….didn’t go as far as we wanted, because we got a little worried about the Bears, and it was the salmon in the river and dumb advice from people. We decided against it….. but we did 3 miles. It was beautiful.

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