Why roll calls are inactive?

I registered to a roll call of or cruise (NCL Pearl, May 18th), but what a strange thing. There are 27 registered shipmates and no one post. Is it the same situation in other roll calls? In my previous cruises we connected with many shipmates through roll calls on Cruise Critic and it was very productive. We organized our own small groups with local guides (highly rated by other cruisers), which allowed us to avoid overpriced and overcrowded ship shore excursions. It's a pity that it is such inactive here.

6 Answers

I often talk to myself on roll call. But I also have met a few fellow Cruiseline/Shipmate posters. Since I'm not on the afore mentioned media site I don't "talk" with folks there. It's fun to see if anyone is sailing with me, but even then I sometimes forget to set up a meet. Surprised

"I know! I know! ", said the nerdy kid in the front row.

I just looked at my next roll call. It has 45 members, self included. The other 44 have a grand total of 5 cruise reviews between them. I have 7 for my 8 cruises.

So, I feel safe in saying I believe the answer is LAZY.

Since this forum and the other cruise info site are the ONLY sites where I engage in social media (in fact, I had to be told that this is indeed social media) I can't give a reason as to why no one goes any further than the initial roll call signup. Perhaps like Yankee47, everyone just wants the countdown clock. I had usually posted something on the roll calls upon signup, but after seeing that I'm the only one, I've stopped. I have even stopped going to the other "Brand X" site altogether.

Like OGW stated, FB is the place where you can find discussion and roll call traffic. I don't know that from experience (never been on FB), but that's what my better half has told me.

Only reason I join a roll call is to get the countdown clock, and there is an odd chance somebody will post in it. I used to post "something" when I joined one, but hardly got any response...Been that way for a long time. We dropped out of FB years ago...Blasphemy I know....whats interesting is how much extra time we have for...(((gasp))) REAL LIFE....

I have 2 upcoming cruises, 1 in a week and another in May both here, on Shipmate (this site's associated app), and cruise critic the roll calls have been close to dead. In fact my cruise next week doesn't even have a roll call on CC and not a single post here or on Shipmates, not even a Hello, though there's 36 users on each (some are doubled-up on both but a few are unique to each) checked in to it.

Unfortunately for this site and others like it FB has a much greater reach and the privacy of the group pages often affords people some protection on posting their vacation plans while giving a "real name" to the others posting which makes some feel more comfortable in making private deals over the web.

The rollcalls are traditionally slow over here. The competing guys have a busier rollcall but usually the group for the cruise on facebook is busiest.


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