Why is "Cruise Critic" a racist company?

Reading the reviews on Cruise Critic, I see that John Deiner has written quite a bit regarding NCL. My question however, is regarding the Community boards of Cruise Critic of which until recently I was a contributing member. However, it appears that I upset somebody as they did not understand English Northern humour and I have now been permanently banned from the forums. Despite apologising to Laura Sterling and her colleagues on more than one occasion, nobody has advised me of the real reason why they banned me. I do suspect the company is racist against Englishmen. My e-mails are now totally ignored which is a disgrace and would not be allowed to happen in England.

The vindictiveness of the people who run Cruise critic and their rudeness in not responding is staggering. Would it be too difficult to see me re-instated? I wonder.?

14 Answers

CrusinTim I to have been blasted when I start a thread asking a question. I get told to search, well lets say it's easier to get blood from a turnip than searching CC for an answer. I very seldom go in there anymore and if I do I don't post anything because I'll only get flamed.

We are happy to have you here. Forget about CC. I used to write there often but moved to this site now. Why would you want to go back there if they banned you. I have no idea what upset them but at this point forget them. This is now your new home.

And now for something completely different .........

Welcome to the site. We are much more civilized hereHappy. I have stopped posting on the other site. As some have mentioned I still lurk there from time to time. But fine them rude and get nasty for no reason.

No, we never go off topic hereBig Smile

Welcome to CruiseLine. I too have turned my back on that *other* site due to the rudeness of many of the posters. I do still lurk there, but rarely post.

I find this site much friendlier. Even though we don't always agree, it is always settled with a (virtual) handshake.

Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely Spam! wonderful Spam! Wink I said we went off topic for fun sometimes.

From what I've seen of CC, which isn't much, they tend to be cliquish idiots. Wouldn't know a Monty Python reference if someone ordered SPAM,SPAM,SPAM,EGGS & SPAM for breakfast on a Carnival cruise.

Welcome to Cruiseline,com. We are happy to have you join us, over all we are a nice bunch and try to be helpful and have fun. We do go off topic from time to time, but it is all in good fun. I have noticed that we do not have the nasty back biting back and forth that the "Critics" do.

I hope you enjoy you time here and look forward to your contributions.

Ahoy Ewoodspark,

Welcome to the site. I can't comment on what is going on at CC because after observing a few rather terse exchanges I realized it was not the site for me. A site that is supposed to be a resource that touts itself as "the leading cruise review and information site" should be ashamed of the way in which some people habitually respond to newcomer questions.

By and large, I think the frequent contributors that I am familiar with here try to answer questions in an informative manner and often point out resources for individuals to do their own research. Bottomline is that we are adults and so are responsible to learn the ins and outs through due diligence. I never expect people to distribute nuggets of useful information to me on a silver platter... however, I do want to get helpful responses to sincere questions.

Happy sails!

I appreciate your reply. It does seem that I am not the only person who finds Cruise Critic to be not very helpful.

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