WHAT A NOVEL IDEA..(bah!!!)..shame they couldn't work it out sooner...


Considering the voodoo some folks (including us) went thru to line up these tests (especially after TDAY), I'm not changing my appointments in favor of "maybe" getting one at dockside, and run the risk they ran out. Patience, I still need to uncross my eyeballs when i read this...I'll bet real money those tests are going to be with us for LOOOONG TIME......and now, with "some" kids being immunized, well......

8 Answers

Good point...and entirely possible....but it also means there is no way I'd depend on them to provide a test. I'll still get ours on our own,,,the problem this time was the holiday screwing things up.

It happened to a couple we met on out cruise! They somehow missed the change from three to two days (I didn't comment, but I don't know how that could happen). Anyway, when they tried to go through the embarkation they couldn't, so Carnival took them to another room and tested them (obviously they were negative because I met them on the ship). Plus all the B2B need to be tested before the second leg of the cruise. They were tested on Friday on the ship the Sunday sailing. There is your limited basis.

NCL has been successfully testing at the pier with 100% vax rates from 3 ports that I am aware of with minimal delays. This also includes checking for destination requirements (Bermuda) prior to boarding. In the case of Seattle you go to a hotel for testing and then to the port if cleared. In NY you go to a different terminal from the embarkation terminal and testing is done there and then you proceed to your embarkation terminal. The other guys are still working to get their ducks in order it would appear.

The "limited time offer" thing kind of popped into my head when I accidentally catch the end of one of those TV informercials..."CALL NOW!! FOR THE FIRST 2000 TESTERS, GET A FREE PLASTIC DRINK CUP (NO STRAW)...COMPLETE WITH A CCL LOGO WHALETAIL ON IT IN COLOR!!! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED!!)

All I know is they should've, could've MONTHS ago, and worked the kinks out..., and they didn't. Logistical challenges, legal challenges, whatever, you name it. At one time I thought that they could have figured it out...after all, putting a fleet of ships to sea with thousands of passengers worldwide, under different brand names?..sheesh, you'd think they could handle it....now?? should've could've whatever...and if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass.....

I believe you'll find that the "limited time offer" is an out, just in case it doesn't go well or if their system is overwhelmed. I further believe that CCL is experiencing a higher level of cancellations than expected due to the 48 hour testing window, and they're scrambling to come up with a workable solution.

As I stated previously, I believe they backed away from pierside testing because they probably got legal counsel regarding liability issues. Imagine the lawsuits filed by people whom CCL denied boarding because of a false positive test, or by people who caught Covid from someone onboard who tested negative at the pier.

Also, the logistics issues could be daunting. Imagine 5,000 people lining up for pre-cruise testing at the terminal, with the cruise line responsible getting them all tested and cleared prior to embarkation. And yet, am I wrong to believe that is what NCL is doing? Aren't they testing everyone prior to boarding?

You're absolutely 100% right about one thing though. The whole thing does suck.

You are. They (CCL) made a big announcement months ago about how they recognized the difficulty for some folks to get these tests, and how they were going to do it at terminals all over. Sent emails and made announcements. THEN they sent more announcements and emails saying they basically couldn't work it out, and made the same lame suggestions as to how to do it. Basically saying you're on your own. Not everyone is near anyplace that even had the tests in stock, or has the capability to do them online. People had appointments and had them cancelled out from under them. People discovered an assortment of "rules" concerning getting them. Some folks are not even near any area they're familiar with, being "on the road" or in another location prior to the cruise. Our cruise for example falls right after THANKSGIVING in their "2 day window"...Need I rehash the epic nightmare I had locating a test and making an appointment? We're spending TDAY in a motel, simply to be able to get our tests done the next AM, after driving to Galveston. JUST WONDERFUL!!!!

Not everyone has an easy time getting tested whenever they feel like, no matter what the politicians claim. Not everyone actually works in a place where testing is commonplace. Some folks simply can't understand what the problem is. Good for them, but THEY aren't solving the problem for those who can't get a test whenever they want, let alone for cruising...

NOW, magically, they're stepping up, apparently on a limited basis, (for a limited time only!!)to do it. Making sure to throw in the disclaimer about possibly not having enough tests. How many people are going to get caught in this "new" cruise line two-step, and put their cruise at risk? How many people you think are going make an appointment with CCL, just as BACKUP to their "real" appointment? The whole thing sucks.

This pandemic is now, pardon the expression, "old news." Mebbe for you and other cruisers its not... ALL this should've, could've been worked out MONTHS ago. NO dear heart, this wasn't the plan all along. Not even close. If it was, they'd have been doing it MONTHS AGO...then I would've been the first to sign up...as it is, I wouldn't trust CCL to do this right no how...

I thought this was the plan all along? I could be wrong....

Testing, the new add on for cruise expenses. Who would have thought? Oh well.

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