We have 100,000 fans on Facebook!


Today we surpassed a huge milestone on Facebook — 100,000 fans of our page!! If you're on Facebook and don't already "like" the page, here's our link! https://www.facebook.com/CruiselineCommunity/

Thank you to everyone who likes us over there, and who are active members here on the site!

8 Answers

I don't care for social media sites where chatter involves short comments without detail and explanation, so I don't participate. However, I do use Facebook, primarily since it works so well during our cruise experiences. I can message family and friends and provide them with a brief summary of our travels and shore excursions along with lots of pictures. F.B. pictures seem to download rapidly for me on vessels even if the internet service on board is slow.



Well, now you have one more!

Not a fan of Facebook. Use it ocassionally but for very minimal purpose.

Not on FB, but so happy for the site to be doing so well.

Why the meh.

Never thought about it on FB cause I am here .. but just went over to FB and liked cruiseline

Meh !!!!

*Cruiseline.com is not a booking agent or travel agency, and does not charge any service fees to users of our site. Our partners (travel agencies and cruise lines) provide prices, which we list for our users' convenience. Cruiseline.com does not guarantee any specific rates or prices. While prices are updated daily, please check with the booking site for the exact amount. Cruiseline.com is not responsible for content on external web sites.