The only metric that means anything, and is published minute by minute is their respective stock prices. Its an absolute nightmare. Don't be concerned about "sales", they may publish them, or not. Besides, for "consumers", all it may mean is bargain cruises out there, IF you still plan to cruise. The following are the respective prices, compared to exactly a year ago. The thing speaks for itself. And the pain will continue today. For those with "dry powder" its a buying opportunity, if you have the nerve that is.

NCL $55+ 28.59

CCL $56+ 27.87

RCL $117+ 65+

And the pain will continue today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future. Calling those "bumps" is like saying the TITANIC had a fender bender. BTW, we're still going on our next one, as apparently are most folks in here. But we clearly don't represent most folks out there. Good luck.

10 Answers

Not a problem BD, we've known each other too long, at least in cyber. My original response has become MIA. Thats not a problem either.

Please don't get upset, as I am showing my ignorance - not trying to insult anyone.

I, too, have a chunk of money in stocks for my retirement account. Daily, it goes up or down. The money I bought the stocks with is already spent. The stock loss or gain is only realized when I pull the money out of the account (sell the stock). If I sell today, I will have lost money. If the market goes sky high tonight, then if I withdraw money (sell the stock), I will profit. If I do not withdraw money, then there is no immediate effect - no gain or loss, regardless of the value.

As far as the "outsider" comment, the price of a stock is how much someone is willing to pay to buy a portion of the company. Most stockholders know little or nothing of the company you are buying into (If you own a few shares of Carnival, how much do you know about the cruise industry - including running a large business, the mechanics of the ships,etc). In my case, I know very little.

Granted, the large shareholders probably know a bit more than the average small-time investor, which may be good for the company, but the average stock investor owns a negligible part of the company and has little to nothing to say about how it is run, which also may be a good thing (imagine if I had a deciding vote on how to run a cruise company - I'd probably sink it!)

As I said - I know very little about how the stock market works - but it seems to me that the average investor (me, for example), of which there are thousands, set the price of a stock by deciding how much they are willing to pay for it (either buy it or don't, the price will either come down until someone buys it, someone buys it at that price and the price goes up, or it remains unsold. By this theory, it has nothing to do with how much the company assets are actually worth (I don't think that Carnival Corp actually lost half it's assets in the past year, even though that is what the stock price indicates).

Outsiders??? you mean stockholders?? the ones who actually OWN the company? And I don't mean lil ol "retail" bag holders like me, we don't count for squat, and haven't for many years.......what d'you tell behemoths like BLACKROCK for example, that holds BILLIONS of $$ of cruise ship stock.. and whose value is sinking daily. with no end in sight. lessee, That theory would probably make the analysts and pundits at Fidelity and Vanguard die laughing. I guess you could figure up what the value of their ships is. that would be an interesting exercise.

Or you could explain that theory about losing "only when you sell" to millions of folks who derive a chunk of their retirement income from 401's, IRA's and ROTHs they probably been pumping $$ into for YEARS, and are now withdrawing $$ to live on, (and cruise on) either principal or "just" dividends and capital gains only to see its value shrivel up...again, with no end in sight. Theres a good dozen ways to lose money, real money, in the market, and it doesn't require "selling"...

I suspect there's ALOT of peeps in here (including a whole bunch of lurkers) who find themselves in that boat, pardon the pun.

Sorry for the rant. The world is what it is, and right now it ain't happy.

As far as losing money on the stock market --

You only lose when you sell.

As far as actual value of the company, I don't understand how the stock market defines that. In my limited understanding, the stock market only reflects the value that outsiders put on it - not the true value.

Wonder how many peeps will be aboard...we've all cruised enough to be able to the bars, in the the buffet. AND, fwiw, I've been thinking about that rebound,,,short terms sales, sure, but to get back to where they were they need to make up for lost grab those bargains while you can...forgot to add...the good ol "upgrade game".....

The plan is still a go. Will only cancel if govts shut the air and cruise industry down.

We do live in interesting times .....

Yep, that's the real "great game" isn't it? Good for you.

We are still going, and it appears that Carnival is going to offer OBC to those who still plan to sail between now and May 31st, and work with those who do not want to.

I think the stocks will rebound, this situation won't be permanent, heck I might just go buy some!

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