This is about the only thing I could come up with. A little more transparency might be nice, but clearly I'm too naive to expect it from the cruiselines as a matter of course. I don't think anybody would expect it to be zero, but considering the number of folks willing to sail, I'd be happy with those numbers.

6 Answers

"wandering maskless through Walmart".......................... LOL.... I just choked on my coffee. Big Smile

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by "unvaccinated cruises". The major cruise lines, no matter where they're sailing from have mandated their guests be vaccinated, with a small exemption for small children and other health related issues.

I don't see where anyone in here is "so worried".....just about everyone in here (with few exceptions) has already cruised again, or is about to. Its just that many of us know what we're dealing with when it comes to cruise lines and their "feel good" propaganda, or outright lack of transparency, which seems to be the new buzzword....

And yeah, fly a few thousand miles out of your way to get to a state that suits you. Right......Had to do some "research" to even begin to validate those numbers...and I'm with AB...if those numbers are valid, its safer cruising for a week than wandering maskless thru Walmart. Apparently the lines don't feel that publicly reporting does them any good. No matter how low the numbers might be. Folks will take it the wrong way.

I have a better idea...if anyone is "so worried".....STAY HOME! don't clutter up an half empty ship. More room at the bars, restaurants, shows, pools, etc for the rest of us to enjoy..and...oh yeah..while I'm venting....enjoy the lack of rugrats and teens et al whilst you can...clearly, thats the last hurdle for the lines to overcome, and it looks like its happening.

Where are you getting your information from in regards to the unvaccinated cruises having all of the trouble? Thanks for any info you can provide!

I mean its on the unvaccinated cruises where all this trouble is happening. If your so worried do not cruise on florida or texas and cruise in california where they do have vaccine mandates,

According to my abacus that's a 0.23% infection rate. I can live with that (literally). As for your so-called naivete, I'd too would have presumed that in light of what the lines had experienced the past year they would have been more up front & transparent. I guess old habits DO die hard. But I'm not going to let the media off the hook. As far as the cruise lines go it could easily have also been a simple "no one ever asked us."

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