Suprising my niece

Ok so my niece (who just turned 9) loved her first cruise so much this year....and she did so well on it.....that Auntie, Grammy, and Grampy have decided to take her on her SECOND cruise next year, which falls days before her birthday. She knows that COVID is preventing the cruise lines from sailing (we've been very open with her about the virus, as half our family, including me, work in healthcare), but keeps mentioning that she wants to go again....who could blame her!

We know that we have to prepare her for the cruise (get her new clothes, etc.) and that it's not just something we can tell her last min. However, we also don't want to get her hopes up by telling her too early, only to find out that the trip is a no-go due to COVID. The cruise will be next August, so when should we tell her? We were thinking maybe sometime around Easter?

6 Answers

For sure she wil understand it for now and that is for her safety anyway.

You are so thoughtful & I know is just as much fun for you & obviously hard to keep it quiet. Definitely wait to tell & confirm until after you all have approved vaccines!!! No sense getting her hopes up no matter how mature she seems as 4-6 months is a long time for a 9 yr old to wait. Tell her after she finishes school late May or June providing have had vaccine so no more disappointments. A 9 yr old has plenty clothes these days or can find clothes in a few days. I know it’s hardest on you to wait as want her to be happy. She will be when time comes!

Thanks! She still has no idea she's going but yesterday we were talking about cruises (she keeps bringing them up) and said "You don't have to take me on your next one, but you can if you want to, I mean, it's your money, I don't want you to spend it on me if you don't want to, but I want to go on another cruise!" Of course, my Dad and I had to chuckle, as she's already booked for next year! And if next year doesn't work, we found one for 2022 for her!

I agree with the guys. We I have no way of knowing what life will be like next August, If I had told you August 2019 that cruising would be shut down the following March, you would have thought I was crazy. So wait until Spring and let her know the plan. She seems smart enough to understand, if things change. Thanks for bringing in another cruise addict.Wink

We are booked for August 2021. If we go is still a mystery and quite out of our control. There is also still a lot of angst in the world in regards to international travel so for us it is still a wait and see if cruising does return by then.

For your niece maybe the Spring of 2021 is the best time to inform her because by then the choice may have already been predetermined.

Well, Due to circumstances we had to cancel all our 2020 and 2021 cruises. We moved the cruises to 2022, but even that may not happen based on the Canadian Governments thoughts on restrictions. I know the United States are doing things a bit different. If all restrictions are lifted for you and your family to travel, then I would say tell her during spring break with the caveat that things might happen to mess things up. I hope you have a great cruise with no trouble. Where are you planning to go?

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