Ship Passenger to Crew Ratios

This is a "nit" , but I see "Crew to Passenger" ratios published all the time. See the pic below. But shouldn't the title be Passenger to Crew ratio? Its the number of passengers divided by the number of crew (which is Passengers/Crew or 2,918/1,377 (or 2.12) in this case. But when labeled as Crew to Passenger ratio, its the inverse 1,377/2,918 or 0.47. In theory if the number is lower, you should expect more personalized service. Again just a nit, anyone else think the labeling of that common statistic is backward? Sorry for nerding out.


5 Answers

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Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We will get it fixed soon.

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You are right that they have the title backwards. It is an interesting number. In most cases if you look at any one line you will see that their smaller ships have a lower ratio than the larger ones. The bigger the ship the less staff is needed on a per person basis ... which is why Yankees suggestion makes more sense. maybe need to break it out by division ... operations vs hotel. In many cases the operations staff is a pretty static number to operate a ship. The passenger to hotel crew would be an interesting number to see.


Its too early for this. you're making my head hurt. Yeh you're right, but all I know is that all it takes to ruin a perfectly good cruise is a bad steward, or an assortment of bad bartenders or waiters. the other 1500+ people I don't know...oops forgot one person who can REALLY frost you...that person you talk to at Guest Services who is having a bad day.

If you REALLY want to figure out that number, do it by job description, and include only the ones who have actual passenger contact.

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