Passports do you carry them always?

Just wondering, I am a first time cruiser and am wondering if when you get off the boat do you have to have your passport with you, and if so what do people do when snorkling and scuba diving?

10 Answers

Yeah, I take them everywhere with me - even toilletes :)

it depends on the port you are in whether your passport will be required or not. The port that I did snorkeling and under water scooters didn't require our passports just an ID.

We always take our never know when they'll be needed. For water activities we have a waterproof pouch with a belt strap that my husband tucks into his bathing suit and it works great. We keep our passports, cash and room cards in it so it doesn't get bulky. We always leave any electronics in our stateroom. Enjoy your cruise...they're awesome!!

My wife and I have always done shore excursions via whatever ship we were on. We have never taken our passports off the ship with one exception, the visit to St. Petersburg, where you are require to go thru immigration.

It depends. In some countries, I carry my passport or a photocopy. I also have a passport card.

I always carry mine with me in a foreign country unless we are told that a driver's license is sufficient. There is a passport card that you can get when you renew your passport. It is basically the picture page of your passport reduced I know that it is accepted in Canada and Mexico, I think. Check online. It can also serve as a second piece of ID if needed. One of us always stays with our stuff on the beach including passports, money, etc...

I have been on a cruise where the ship will collect your passport when you board and all you have is you room card and personal ID. If you don't have any other ID you can get a copy of your passport from the ships desk.

I always do, plus I usually have my driver's license and a copy of our passports in a back up pocket of a separate carry-all or back pack and leave a copy in our stateroom safe. Bring extra zip lock bags to protect everything from documentation to cell phones.

As for leaving your stuff at a beach chair, if you are traveling solo or as a couple it's a tough call. We don't bring a lot of cash into ports. If we do get into the water, we make it difficult for anyone to simply grab and run. As a side note, we don't flaunt our belongings and often don't bring much at all. We place belongings under a beach chair and under beach towel. We don't swim out too far and don't stay in the water for too long. We pick chairs that are closer to the water's edge and visible once we are in the water.

When we opted to snorkel or scuba, we take an excursion instead of going off on our own. That way, our belongings are at least somewhat protected on the boat while we are underwater.

Happy sails!

I wear an ID wallet from around my neck. I replaced the neck cord with an old camera strap for comfort. I wear it whenever we get off the ship. It holds everything we need.

As for the water thing, someone always stays behind on the beach to watch the groups stuff. Safest way to do things by far.

That will depend. I have been on cruises where mine was taken by the ship and I was given a copy to carry (I am a Canadian citizen) while my wife kept and carried hers. I was on another cruise where I kept mine. And yes you take it with you whenever you get off the ship. You usually need it.

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