OUR NEW REALITY....even with a vaccine?


I sure hope this loads..sometimes the NYT requires a subscription...either way....tell me about how much fun they're having, and who gets to sail under the reduced capacity rules, and how the cruise lines will raise rates to cover it all....it stopped me in my tracks...are the cruise lines pricing themselves right out of biz?...or would you pay 40% more for the privilege of sailing under these conditions?

9 Answers

Reduced crowds on cruises are amazing.

It's all too up in the air right now. Even the CDC hasn't set a lot of specific guidance for cruising yet.

We're never cruising again if that requires a mask and "bubble" excursions. We'll just go back to all-inclusives. Or maybe buy a boat to explore the shorelines of 700 Bahama islands without masks,

I think we're being naive to think it won't...they ALL incurred massive new debt loads that have to be serviced and paid, and new ships in the pipeline already under construction too late to cancel or even stop. Certainly NONE of this was in anybody's plan..With no income stream the "new reality" also includes new rates. In the old days, cruising was for the well-to-do, or seniors with both time AND $$...it morphed into something else...something anyone could do with a few days time and plastic...what the future holds??? who knows...but even forgetting about the $$ (if thats even possible) just how much fun n relaxation can you have with all these regs in place, even assuming they work, which is debatable anyway....and THEN pay MORE for the privilege????

Hmmm...Veeeery interesting.

Definitely something to keep an eye on. I am curious to see if any of that will carry over to the other cruise lines.

Still a wait and see but if cost goes up by 40 percent then this old boy is priced out of the market.

Thats assuming...alot....that you actually get onboard...or get the cabin you want...or pay anything close to reasonable for the privilege...seems to me theres that ol rubber band effect...a gazillion folks who used to cruise were denied the privilege, and so now.....coupled with folks who just don't care....yeh, we'll wait and see....

Thanks for sharing. Not sure if I would pay 40% more, but there seemed to be enough to do on the ship. I would miss that quiet spot to people watch, but the cabin is always there for quiet time. Also, I am not one that remembers to book a spot for shows, so I might miss out on some activities. Hope they have no cases.

In all honesty ... I think I might enjoy this.... sort of getting used to masks so they become a non factor ... love the idea of reduced crowds, line ups, and waiting ... I think I would love to take one of these.

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