
Almost everyone agreed on just how useless the new streamlined muster drill was...so they decided to replace it with the "old" way,,y'all rememeber those fun n games....now it seems, after a "popular uprising" being covered over by the usual corporate double-speak, they're returning to the "streamlined" version we have all come to appreciate...forget about how useless it is, just shut up and enjoy it....

9 Answers

Well said. I don't believe we're a representative sample of the cruising public at large.

I see your point! I think those of on the board are serious cruisers and have a better sense of the dangers to begin with. Not sure if the old style muster drills instilled that or we are just more aware. There will always be those who think that they are impervious to emergencies.

I beg to disagree AP. I have stated this before and I'll state it again. I wholeheartedly believe that the old muster drills went a long way to instill a sense of seriousness in a lot of people (not all of course, there's never a 100% buy-in) that an actual emergency aboard a ship at sea will be a big deal, and they had better pay some attention to what's going on.

Yes, I agree, its hot and uncomfortable having to stand shoulder to shoulder with total strangers for 20-30 minutes in the Miami sun. But it instilled an "awareness" (especially to newbies that are parents with small children) that the newer, more "frivolous" drills do not.

Again, I am not stating this is an absolute. There will always be people who do not take anything seriously. But I will state that I believe if that when actual emergency occurs, a higher percentage of people would display a higher level of situational awareness had they had a more serious muster drill than people whose only experience are the new methods.

I will also state that I believe that anyone on this board will do better than most in an actual onboard emergency, precisely because we've had the benefit of having to endure many of the old muster drills. It's been "imprinted" on us.

So .. alongside drink of the day we now have Muster of the week ....

A "real" usmter drill would take more work and time than allotted. I don't think "old way" prepared the passengers better than the "new" e-muster does. At least this way, we aren't standing in the sun packed like sardines waiting for those that can't be bothered to show up on time.

CQ, Not sure what tech savvy or owning a cell phone has to do with it...Yes you can do it at home or on your cell, but you can also do it from your cabin..watch the video there, and then go get blessed. Besides, there's a huge difference between "having it on" and actually "paying attention."

AB, we really have beaten this thing up over the years...I'd bet real money that they do it not just because its mandated, but because they can "say" they did it in case of a real emergency, in an attempt to cover up the ensuing inevitable chaos. At the risk of stating the obvious, they'd probably have more casualties from the lack of training and discipline among passengers during the evacuation than would be caused by whatever emergency prompted the evacuation in the first place. (Sorry I even used the words discipline and passengers in the same sentence.) People can absolutely be counted on to perform at their worst in certain situations, romantic notions notwithstanding.

Who wouldn't like the new version. Easy, convenient, comfortable. However, we'll all see how great the new improved "streamlined" drills are in a real emergency. I've stated before that I do not believe this is going to end well.

I think people who complain and advocate for the "smart phone muster drill" are not thinking ahead. When (not if) a real emergency occurs, and all the new style drill's deficiencies are exposed, the resulting backlash and subsequent government intervention will send the pendulum to the other extreme, and we'll all probably have to take a 3-day safety course prior to boarding.

I actually like the E-Muster Drill:

1.) You're not out in the heat

2.) You can do it at your convenience

3.) It takes less time to do the E-Muster than it does to do it in-person. My last cruise, I finished it before I left my driveway!

The only downside I see is not everyone is tech savvy or owns a cell phone to do the drill.

Yep ... just a formality and want to keep the natives from getting restless ... thinking of the move Matrix as the character puts that juicy dripping bite of steak into his mouths as he says ... ingnorance is bliss.


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