OF THE MOMENT...pick your ship(s)


Credit to AP whence this came awhile back. Some of the inspections were as recent as last month. Interestingly, one of them, NCL BREAKAWAY, scored one of the lowest scores I ever saw on this thing, right after I sailed on her for the first time. Not happy. most of the "defects" are items most cruisers may not notice, but would clearly affect your health and well being. You'll notice that now she has a 98. Apparently being cited on here is enough to get most cruise lines attention, whether the cruising public is aware of it or not.

If you have the time and inclination, the report also lists the "defects" and what the line did or will do to fix them.

6 Answers

I read today (in the funny section of our newspaper), "the squeaky wheel gets the grease... not always sometimes it gets replaced."Wink

They'd be pointless if the ship or line knew the schedule for inspections. Even lines that didn't have a track record of cheating might be tempted. As far as the "squeaky wheel" theory goes...normally I'd agree 100%, but not in the case of these mostly food related items. If so-called line mgmt. (yknow, the officious types walking around in their starched whites with the fake "naval" ranks on their shoulder boards, usually gabbing on their phones) actually were paying attention, those defects should've been addressed BEFOREHAND. Now I can't hold the SVP of F&B at the home office responsible for the water not being hot enough, or a chiller not being cold enough, but I can certainly hold the SUPV or MGR who is directly responsible for it shipboard accountable. And if the write up was ugly enough, or serious enough, and I was that SVP, there'd be several vacancies in the fleet...or at the very least, a severe dressing down.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease and sometimes when things don't squeak loud enough they slip through the cracks until an inspection and then they squeak loud and long. One of the benefits of the inspections being random and unannounced.

I have an opinion, probably worth .02..but..a crewmember will only do what he/she is told to do/repair/change. If that crewpersons supervisor doesn't know, doesn't care, or doesn't want to "kick it upstairs", then ALL complicated machinery or processes can malfunction, leak, be unsanitary, you name it. Those defects, IMHO, are there unfixed or unnoticed because mgmt. ALLOWS it to happen. Sometimes, as in the relatively recent case of CCL all the way to the top.

BTW, you'll notice how many of them are FOOD related.

What makes these cruise ships so lax at times? Is it the quick turn over between cruises? Is it the fact they only get thoroughly inspected twice a year?

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