Now that I'm finally dug out from the Christmas Blizzard of '22...

Is everyone safe? I know not everyone got the 5ft of snow we got, but this storm was a beast.

I spent 52 hours on duty, answering over 300 calls for rescue or service between our 2 stations, and am presently looking for a Job somewhere warm...Big Smile

13 Answers

And now I feel like Forrest Gump..."And one started rain-ing..."

it has rained for the last 7 days...

Now its 8 days later, and 80% of the snow is melted.

I hate it here.

Glad you're safe now!

We lost power on Christmas Eve Eve for 17 hours! Also lost phones, heat, etc. Luckily, we had our gas fireplace burning before we lost power!

Im less than 6mi from the eastern shore of Erie. Crying

East ends of lake Erie had 110 km (68 mph) winds and 30 ft waves ....

Oh my - now heading to nearest corner to curle up in fetal position w/my favorite blankey as I remember my first winter in ND/MN after growing up in TX.

We had the same. On Friday it was 6*, with a -36 wind chill, 50mph sustained winds, and peak gusts at 79mph. We were stuck in a snow drift for 2.5 hrs, and I could only let my crew out of the truck for 5min at a time to shovel. In those 5 min, my moustache would be frozen solid. I do believe this is exactly what my personal hell will be like.

Those pictures make it difficult to post about single digit temps and wind chills below zero - unless you consider that was in North Texas!!

Glad you're safe...

wow glad you are safe. glad we dont get that much snow

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