6 Answers

I think it’s a shame more of Central and South America isn’t safer to visit. Lots of beautiful places there.

I spent two weeks in Honduras back in ‘97 I think it was. Gorgeous country when you get away from the cities. And lots of friendly people.

But currently I’d be very hesitant to visit there with the high level of crime they have now.

I agree with the seriousness of this, but was very pleased that the cruise ship escaped and basically won the encounter. That’s why I posted both “articles”. When we were in Curaçao this past January, our tour guide lamented the lack of goods normally received from Venezuela. She understood the situation, but expressed frustration with missing some of the fresh produce in the markets and other things many island people had come to expect. This was one of the reasons the whole thing caught my attention. Besides, it shows how some will take advantage of situations where attention is focused elsewhere. The “warship” seemed to think the cruise ship would be an easy target. So glad that they were wrong!

I read that one and thought to post about it but wasn’t sure if it’s April Fools Joke, it’s not.

The reason it’s not funny is because of the situation going on in Venezuela. The country is steadily going out of control and even the military, including Coast Guard, are going totally corrupt.

There are reports of Venezuelan Coast Guard members turning to piracy as well as other Venezuelan bandits going out and attacking unarmed vessels to steal.

That Coast Guard crew in this incident, no doubt in my mind, had very bad intentions.

What I can piece together from what I’ve read and pictures posted is they tried to attack the cruise ship and the cruise ship rammed them to escape. The pictures of the cruise ship’s bow is one of the evidences of this.

The whacked Venezuelan President has accused the cruise ship of being full of para-military personnel ready to attack Argentina. He’s absolutely nuts.

Hopefully the cruise ship captain is exonerated in all this.

Actually this did make me chuckle ... there is just something about instant karma that tickles the funny bone ... the warship happened to pick the wrong cruise ship to ram ...

Not funny, but the cruise ship won!

Not really funny considering who's in charge in Venezuela. I'd hate to be the Captain of that cruise ship.

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