MSC status match

About two years ago I sent in info for an MSC status match.

No reply, so I resubmitted info around the first of 2023. This time I did get a reply acknowleging receipt and that they would contact me soon.

After a few months waiting, I called MSC to find out the status of my request. After repeatedly

telling the rep my information, and quoting the MSC letter, he told me that they had no record of me submitting a request and had no information about me at all.

I asked to talk to a supervisor and he told me that he had many, many supervisors and could not choose just one.

He then suggested that he could not help me since I didn't exist and that I would need to resubmit all my information again.

I don't understand it, but why set up a program and then do nothing to encourage a booking?

Why can't MSC investigate to find out what the problem is and how to resolve it?

Did I do something wrong? (Other than trying to take advantage of their offer).

Has anyone else had similar problems with MSC?

Enquiring minds want to know. (National Enquirer)

What we have here is a failure to communicate. (Cool hand luke)

9 Answers

Sad to hear about all the MSC negative comments regarding the status match program. The match program enticed me to try a MSC cruise. I have yet to sign up for the match (supposedly good for three years), nor an MSC cruise. In hindsight, possibly good decisions. Of course, 90%+ of those who tried the status match MIGHT have had success. I only have this thread to gather information. I shall wait.

Welcome back.


A very astute observation.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result.

I wouldn't expect a different result from MSC.

I had not read the other posts until after I submitted my original comment. Wow! Did I ever get an education!

FWIW: It's good to be back here among my many friends. It's been awhile and I love this site

for the many positive people here. The other site is full of very angry people, censorship,

vitriol. Always fun to come here for positive support, the wonderful funnies, and people like

Admiral Pinkie, OGW, Yankee,!

Friends don't let friends drive drunk.

And friends don't let friends sail MSC.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post a photo of your back yard.

It must really be something to accommodate a cruise ship.

And by the by ... the reason that they took the time to put this program in place but fail to follow through on it is because there is no program ... just a shell front to play the shell game with ..... cheaper that way.

If you've read the posts in here over the years, I'd bet the single most complained about cruiseline is MSC...over and over again. I wouldn't care if the ships docked in my back yard...I wouldn't sail with them.

My TA indicated that this was quite common with MSC.

In the meantime, I'm doing nothing further. If anyone wants my business

in any area, they are going to have to work better on the customer service area.

I very much understand the employee shortage problems nowadays but

I refuse to play the victim role in getting basic service up front.

There's too many other options.

Keep us posted on any futher communications with MSC, please. I've never delt with them, but if I do, I want to know what to expect.


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