Ionafest ... any news?

Supposed to pay the final balance on the P&O Ionafest cruise but am split 50/50 about whether to pay the balance or not due to Coronavirus. We would loose the deposit but better that than loose the whole cost of the cruise. Even if the boat sails, what if ports refuse entry and he major entertainment acts cancel. Is anyone else in a similar, confused position? Need advice! Have been checking P&O website daily for updates but they are being fairly standard in their statements.

8 Answers

The P&O cruise line is also based in England and right now, most of your ports of call on the Iona are at minimal risks. Talking to your doctor is usually a good idea in this environment. I;d wait as long as possible before you decide to cancel. More news will probably surface by the time your final payment is due to make your decision easier.

I’m based in London, England and so far I don’t think our government are getting involved in meeting with the travel

companies (airlines or cruise companies). It’s so vague, I heard that the virus will peak, but before the summer when we go.

He already HAD the meeting this past Saturday, and they all had already put cancellation policies in place, at least most of the big ones did, because they wouldn't want to be caught flat footed in a meeting like that. Makes them look silly. They would want to be proactive, not reactive. Especially with this administration. They're all about the same with a few exceptions. Unfortunately, some folks seem to think its some sort of media hype, or we're all just chicken s....s and overreacting.

Talk to your doctor about the risks you have of contracting the virus before you go. Tell them about all port stops just in case you do contract it, that way they at least have point of origin. Also, practice basic hygiene.

As for whether or not to cancel, I would wait because I heard Pence is supposed to be having a meeting with the cruise industry regarding preventative measures and travel restrictions.

Thanks, it’s so hard to know what to do. Desperately hoping we can go but at the same time, it’s too much money to throw away.

Might stretch a bit longer but we will have to wait and see.

If this virus follows the standard cycle of viruses, it should be nearly done by the end of May. Which coincidentally is the date that the cruise lines have picked for the end of the “money back” program. You shouldn’t be in jeopardy for your cruise in July. Hope you get an answer from P&O.

Pence is supposed to have a big meeting today with an assortment of cruise co's. The big ones have all already changed their policies, seems like theyre all the same..(wonder how THAT happened).you don't actually get your $$ back, its transferred to another cruise, new or even already booked. All I can suggest is keep checking. To me, it would make no sense to send them MORE $$ if you have doubts, hoping to "get it back" later. If P & O jumps onboard with a change, they'll apply your deposit wherever you say, depending on which cruise you choose.

Frankly, until late last nite, we had every intention of going on ours in a month. then more endless bad news started sinking in. its a cruise...not supposed to be life n death. Then we got an email from NCL outlining the process. we're going to avail ourselves of it...good luck!!

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