Don't know how y'all feel about it, but the most gracious thing I can think of is that in a world rapidly going to hell with itself, I'm comforted that some things NEVER change...

8 Answers

I always vote against Top Brass pay raises in stockholder meetings. For this one, I actually have a reason!

I know that .. it is owned by interests in Dubai. I was just sighting it as another example .. they took money from the brit government and then announce that all Brit based employees are sacked and they offshored all the jobs giving crew members 2 hours to pack and get off the ship.

OldGreyWolf, that P&O is not related to the Carnival brand, P&O Cruises was spun off from P&O in 2000 and sold to Carnival.

A lot of corporations in certain countries benefitted greatly from Covid loans/grants- with the top officials in particular raking in the monetary compensation .We all know who ends up paying that back one way or another because it will all come back to that.

I'm sure this is just the first of many who actually profited during the pandemic. I'm not saying it's right, just that I'm not surprised.

Now look boys...I got to my exalted position in my dotage by playing the real "big" game...and I don't mean the s/a stuff that goes on in casinos either..altho working in 3 of em taught me more about what folks will do for $$ they don't have to work for...and the ridiculous odds they're willing to play into to do it...and then lie about how they never lose and get all that free stuff...but I digress....The REAL game takes real work...dare I say "due diligence"...translated...HOMEWORK...learning the terminology, and how to do it so the skill level FAR outweighs any amount of dumb luck...many years ago I found meself with even MORE time on me hands, and still getting paid heheheh...and so...

Yeh, their "books" are in fact available,(the SEC says so) ..IF normal humans can decipher em...I never bothered to actually look, because I have better things to do with my $$, and the piddly discount/cruise credit for buying their stock, well...i'd rather leave it as bar tips...better return..(but not on cruise ships usually hah!)

All I know is that if you lined up all the so-called "retail investors" (thats us) end to end in virtually every corp out there, all their votes together wouldn't mean diddly....on the other hand cheese off the institutional investors, who's $$ invested in a given corp is bigger than some countries entire budgets....well...thats a problem of a different sort...

I have mentioned MANY times my disdain for the characters up on "mahogany row" in a different world...wellllllll???????? Over the years, there have been thousands of these characters who drove their businesses into the sewer, and came out smelling like a rose...while the mere employees?? you know the rest..

Yeah ... give an inch ....

And Britain is not in the mood for nonsense like this right on the heels of the ferry issues they had a few weeks ago with P&O and their Dubai owners.

Comforted? yeah, that's the word.

Didn't the shareholders revolt against NCL's chief (Frank Del Rio) monstrous pay package last year? I don't feel like looking it up but wasn't he going for something like $30M. If I'm accurate then it seems to me like old Arnie is a piker for only asking for half of that.

His argument will be that he deserves that compensation for steering his company through a pandemic that hit his industry the hardest. Of course, don't look at the UK govt Covid loan (which I did not know about.... did they get any PPP loans from our govt?) AND the $BILLIONS they burrowed AND the stock dilution to do it.

I read they got through the pandemic with close to $9B cash on their balance sheet. I would have been more impressed if the cash and debt balances were both a bit lower. Obviously I'm not privy to their books and I'm not an accountant, but IMHO they burrowed more than needed just to protect the pile of cash. Now with inflation their cash is worth less while their debt service has skyrocketed.

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