7 Answers

There was rumor while I was on Symphony of the Seas last week that 20% of the activities staff quit and walked off the ship the morning of our sailing.

If things like this are going on, I would be inclined to believe it was accurate, and not a rumor.

THATS where this is heading...the bean counters have no intention of paying crew to return home, and then paying them (or others) to replace them or return when/if there's a shut down. There's a term for it some military and their families became very well acquainted with not so long ago...it was called STOPLOSS....absolutely outrageous...sometimes that policy got people who should have been home killed....A few years back we had another epic discussion over just how certain crew earns their so-called "contractual" $$...caused me to do some serious research...turns out what happens when you "sign on" would NEVER be tolerated here...mebbe in the 18th-19th century it was..hours, working conditions, etc..but then, on cruise ships out of sight, out of mind eh??....just a half-step removed from slave labor IMHO...occassionally something happens to make it more obvious...like THIS latest for example.

Right now I'll say its "even money". If Omicron doesn't overwhelm the healthcare system, and burns itself out in 4-5 weeks like it SEEMS to be doing in S Africa, they you (and me on 3/6) will go. Otherwise I fear there may be a "temporary" pause. I read that RCL has already closed any new bookings for January sailings to limit ships capacities. I won't be surprised if the other lines follow suit. There goes the spontaneous last minute surprise cruises.

There is also a shortage of healthy crew. I have read a number of articles stating that there were noticeable crew shortages particularly in the dining rooms leading to long waits and lineups. This happens when the limited crew gets quarantined.

Fine...but that was then...this is now...and its more than just getting leave for the holidays...reading that says if you expected your contract to be up in Jan, forget it...work another month...and they're in no hurry to sign on replacements...we talked to ALOT of crew last cruise..since we knew we'd be at it again in FEB...LOTS of them expected to go home in JAN.....

This sort of thing often happens (or at least did about 10 years ago) the first week in December. We sailed a few times during that week and noticed the crew was not up to the normal happiness. So we asked, and about one third of those that requested leave for the holidays were granted it. That left the remaining folks frustrated and down. While they tried to do their job with the same enthusiasm, they fell a little short. So if you are sailing during January, try to remember how dissappointed some of the crew may be. It always paus to be kind.

Sounds to me like they're about a step away from a shut down...but mahogany row types do devious things like this...our next is 2/26 with CCL...any bets???

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