Cruising out of NYC

Can anyone give any advice on how NYC cruise port is, and what not to do and what to do, to make it an easy less stressful day? Thank You. Happy

28 Answers

Seeing as I live in the area, it was quite easy for me. The only confusing thing is the terminal is across the street from the parking lot and it isn't well marked. But the folks there were more than willing to help us.

how was your cruise out of Boston? wife and I have 532 days till we do a similar cruise on Royal. Boston to Tampa

how was your cruise out of Boston? wife and I have 532 days till we do a similar cruise on Royal. Boston to Tampa

how was your cruise out of Boston? wife and I have 532 days till we do a similar cruise on Royal. Boston to Tampa

I am sure you did not exaggerate, nor did I intend to imply that you did. The experience varies depending on the circumstances, as do all experiences in life, of course. That's why I qualified it as "harsh IMO", as in relative to my experiences. It was just my two cents, and I'm glad you shared yours as well.

Your first day ever????? I've been on em for years and still don't like or trust em. and that's the best attitude to have towards em. Just a necessary evil. Sort of like the process of boarding a cruise ship. sometimes it can go quite smoothly. sometimes not. I think we may have cruised out of NOLA mebbe 18 ish times out of the 23. I've done reviews and wouldn't rate it more than 2 stars on a good day. That's because we've had waay better experiences elsewhere. but it is what it is. As far as GETTING to the terminal, and/or staying over the nite before, that's a whole different kettle of fish. If I still lived in NYC, emphasis on the "C", Id be riding the subway....still a bargain, and you can count the time to the terminal in an hour or less. but then, as an EX-native NYer, I was used to it. Having said that,, I doubt I'd be hauling luggage in the subway, rush hour or not. And NO PLACE we go anymore involves a crowd, unless its a cruise terminal or a ballgame. heheheh

I suppose I could've muddied the waters by explaining how ridiculously easy it is to cross the River using PATH tubes. But same problem...if you don't know what they are or where they go, it'd be like speaking in tongues. Some folks blow off a $40/day parking charge. and exorbitant motels/meals. After all, its a cruise isn't it? that's for the rich and famous. well...….not anymore. There's lots of things I'd be willing to blow $$ on cruise wise, but getting TO the ship?? not me...we drive, (unless FORCED to fly) and stay over, and usually do park-n-cruise pkgs, etc etc, and I doubt I'd spend more than $150-200 round trip, once I allow for the offset of the parking charge at the port. Bet there's a lot of folks who do what we do. AND a lot of folks who WISH they could do it, instead of "girding their loins for battle" as the saying goes. But then, they probably have to do it every single day, just getting to work. But as a lot of folks know, there's lots of places which aren't "that way".

Been there, done that...but we saw the light years ago.

Yea after I posted it I realized some typos and edited it and seeing how it is my first day on a computer must have deleted it instead.

You can call it harsh but I can speak for myself in saying that I only posted what my experience was. I did not exaggerate and if anything left a few negative things out.

Got an email notification that SPIDER22 replied. Managed to read a few lines of it in the email, then when I clicked the link that's supposed to take me back HERE to read it all, I discovered it was MIA...????

I stayed in Bayonne, NJ. It's part of a neighborhood of other hotels, so it's near the airport and there's a mall right next door. I think they call it "International Boulevard" or something like that.

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