Cruising during a Pandemic

I have a cruise coming up in August and after reading some comments, I started to wonder, why are unvaccinated people thinking cruise lines will sacrifice revenue, if they start limiting unvaccinated people to travel. I’m pretty sure after not being able to sail for a year and a half. They would love to make as much money as possible.This is about trying to be safe for everyone on board. Now in my opinion, I think they should have all unvaccinated cruisers all on a ship- and all vaccinated cruisers on different ships. But then there’s the question of the crew. Which have to be vaccinated. Would everyone feel safer if the lines went this route? I myself am fully vaccinated and definitely understand people concerns about the vaccines. But I would prefer to sail with only Vaccinated people on board. What do everyone think?

All vaccinated cruises and vs All unvaccinated cruises

6 Answers

"Vaccinated" People are still getting covid. I wouldn't feel any safer with 100% vaccinated than 100% unvaccinated. I don't think you are any more likely to contract covid from one group than the other.

Not a good idea at all dear heart...totally and completely unworkable, unverifiable, un"prove"able...they can't even track their own employees, let alone thousands and thousands of people getting on and off dozens of ships every week,..Any body who watched the NBA finals and saw the TENS OF THOUSANDS of fans inside and outside, partying hearty, or NASCAR on weekends, in the stands, crammed together knows what folks think of shots, or the pandemic in general..and so on...the rules don't apply depending on age, political party, or just how much more than the scientists you think you know, or who's fake news you happen to believe.. In the end, if you're uncomfortable with the rules (or lack thereof) on board, THEN DON'T GO. The only control you have (and its minimal at best), is over your own actions...

It might be a good idea to have only the vaccinated cruisers cruising at this time. The industry can't afford another outbreak like last year.

Sorry but having vaccinated on one ship and unvaccinated on another is not a tenable solution. This is one of those looks great on paper but ..... Think about it .. this would mean that the cruise lines either need to double their fleet or cut the number of itineraries available to either group in half. And as you say .. the crew. What about port staff? What about the destination ports? Do you think that a port in a small island will allow a ship full of unvaccinated people to dock there? Prior to covid ports would turn away ships with reported cases or noro. Think how they would feel about 4000 unvaccinated passengers coming ashore. Brings whole new meaning to the old term plague ship.

We are 75 and got our shots as our age group got the virus good(so the media says). I agree, the cruise lines should make all people get stuck and if not and there is a co vid break out, they are out of business. People have a choice as this is all I hear. You get jabbed or not, your choice, get virus by not being vaccinated, your choice, BUT a business like a cruise line it is THEIR choice to not let you on if you are not jabbed. I drive nasty teenagers (not vaccinated.) I tell them to mask up and I run with all car windows down. They and parents complain, but I tell them this is my company rules, they dont want to play by the rules, go elsewhere. That the way a cruise line should do.

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