Carnival cancels Antigua

Fake news or politics???

9 Answers

We were in Antigua 12 years ago and I enjoyed it. The people were much like those on many of the islands and it was a poor country but it was still beautiful.

Have not been and from what I’ve read don’t need to go.

I have a personal interest from way back in another life. BARBADOS was one of those places I could've lived in and never blinked. ANTIGUA wasn't. I don't think anything much has changed.

Let me know when posted.

If our recent visit is any indication, I won't care if Carnival doesn't return. It wasn't all that much fun. Barbados on the other hand was a "kick in the pants". I want to give fair treatment to my review. It's written, just going to reread it to be sure I didn't let the intensity of the moment color my comments. I'll post it soon.

The "Prime Minister" is boss of a small island, run by old line families, no matter what it professes its public form of gov't to be. He made "their" position known. He didn't do it on his own, and Im equally sure he's already spoken to ...ahem...other cruise lines FIRST...if CARNIVAL thinks they can win this one, well...I expect Antigua to build new infrastructure "resort areas"...and will be well advertised too. How often does anyone even think "Antigua"?

I tend to agree with the Prime Minister here. Sounds like Carnival is trying to use its size to bully and nickel and dime the island. Fair is fair and the cruise lines decreasing what they are already paying in a world where the price of everything else including what the cruise lines are charging is going up in my opinion is just not cricket.

Now you can see the game within the game. And the high stakes the governments and cruise lines all play with the humongous pool of tourist $$, and where it gets leaked and splashed. Anyone who doesn't think theres all kinds of KB's and baksheesh involved hasn't wandered thru some of these places. There is no middle class...either you stay dirt poor down in the barrio, or live VERY well up on the hill where the breeze is.

ANTIGUA wants more $$ for "infrastructure"...……..riiiiight……...One of my oldest friends way back in the day came from BARBADOS...lived near me for many years..retired British Army...taught me to shoot KD.. B4 the US ARMY tried to ruin me....when he had enough of the US, he finally went "home" in his dotage.., and I went to visit, 2x...been to SAM LORDS CASTLE (its a ruin now)...toured all over...stayed there for extended periods..a month the first time, closer to two the second..(great fishing)...(tween wives y'see) right here in the good ol Western Hemisphere, BRIT "influence" and all...all they'll manage to do is alienate themselves even further. ANTIGUA's bosses will do a deal with another line. and CARNY's passengers won't miss it. The islands poor will stay poor...and the rich will have to open more accounts in the Caymans..

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