I was reading reviews and it seems that there were bed bugs on a November, 2017 cruise on Vision of the Seas. Has anyone else had issues with this and if you do, what do you do about it?

7 Answers

Get a magnifying light app for your phone. When you get to the cabin, lift the sheet and have a look. If you see anything, get on the house phone immediately. Don’t make a scene, keep it quiet. Be polite and ask for a supervisor to come to your cabin. DONT OPEN ANY SUITCASES. Handle the situation with calm demeanor, don’t be rude or aggressive. Just explain the situation, and request a different cabin. Keep in mind, you may not get a better cabin, ( upgrade ), but you will get one without bugs, which, is a whole lot better in my mind.

I've travelled all over, and never encountered a bedbug; here's hoping I never do. I work in health care, and sometimes folks bring in unexpected guests with them, here is what I know

If you encounter a it and get a new room, if available. I would bag it, photograph it, and hand it to whomever you report the problem If bitten, a hydrocortisone type cream, and an antihistamine like benadryl will help most people If you suspect mini hitchhikers, double bag your laundry and treat with extreme hot or deep freeze Check CDC site for tips, they usually have good info on any number of internal or external bugs

Good luck, and here's hoping for cootie free cruising for all...

I've travelled a lot over the past 25+ years since joining my company and I think I saw one once in a very nice hotel in Wichita, Kansas. Other than that, no problems in hotels or cruise ships. I think the issue with bed bugs has gotten over blown.

You can run into those at any hotel or any cruise line. They can be brought in by people staying at a pre-cruise hotel stay where the hotel had them and got brought in on peoples clothing or luggage without them knowing it.

I always take a quick look at any hotel or ship bed before I unpack, check for bed bugs under the bedding and look at inside of closet and dresser. I then wipe down anything I will touch with Lysol wipes, it takes a little time but is worth it to know it is clean.

We had them once, a few years ago. On Regent of all cruise lines, which is a luxury line and one you would least expect to encounter them on since they change bedding every day. I'm still of the opinion we didn't get them from the bed then but either the couch in the cabin or one of the outside couches at the stern which we would both use from time to time when we read our books. It appears to me that bed bugs are rare on cruise ships but not in hotels and condos, although we have never had a problem with bed bugs except on the ship that one time.

Been cruising since the early 90's, never experienced bed bugs. I do pull back the sheets, peek at the mattress and check the drawers/closets for any signs (of anything) before unpacking; on cruises and at hotels. I also wipe the cabin down and zip the suitcases back up until we're ready to pack for leaving. Some folks use packing cubes & storage pouches to protect clothing as well.

Welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of useful info and some pretty friendly folks here. Hope you have a wonderful cruise!

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