Looks like the cruise lines aren't the only thing not working....

8 Answers

AHA!! and here I thought the "powers that be" did something...good for you AUNTIE!! thankyou!!!

That’s why I went through and “bumped” some of the newer threads. Not sure why this happens, but you may have it figured out.

Just a suspicion, but I think some "non-cruising-person" posts to them and drags them up///perhaps advertising something or other. The the post that caused it is deleted, but the old thread remains. I've nuked a few myself over the years, and that seems to be what happens....I have no idea what happened this am to cause them all to pop up in such numbers. I also think some folks legitimately post to them, not realizing the original thread is older than dirt. Sometimes the subject is of real interest, sometimes not. No biggie. I personally have a bigger problem with threads that can have 40-50-60 or more responses, and seem endless. Do people really read all those old posts b4 they post? and ask the same question or post the same answer that appears many times in the same thread already? That problem isn't unique in cyber. It usually requires the mods to do some adjusting...sometimes it works, sometimes not. I like the idea of the "social threads" tho..I don't use them much, but I sometimes just scan through a few pages...

I have noticed every now and then older treads pop up and around for a bit and then disappear again. Resurrected or recycled?

I elaborated when I sent y'all a message on the CONTACT US link at the bottom. I guess you don't see them. Anyway, All I was getting was all the threads and posts from 7-8-9 YEARS ago dozens and dozens of responses to current threads and even TWO new threads I started (including this one) weren't there. I opined they probably were, but buried so far down they couldn't be found. Just went back into the forum, and it looks like it was fixed, magically. Looks to me like AUNTIE was getting that too??

At the moment, if you scroll down to the thread titled "CUSTOMIZED T SHIRTS" there they are, many many threads...they were ALL at the top....

Is it because of the posts from years ago? Why are we getting them? I am not sure what Yankee47 is referring to, but this is frustrating to me.

I am glitchy till I have my coffee Big Smile

Can you elaborate on what you're seeing on the site that seems glitchy today?

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