30k+++ FOR A ROUND THE WORLD CRUISE...and now wait for the refund....


Once in a while we get complaints from folks who are waiting for refunds for an assortment of reasons....but this must be some kind of world record....

8 Answers

While this sounds like a possible hoax. If you are on a three year cruise, you don’t need a house. I wouldn’t mind, but I like my home. Hope (if it’s true) they get their money back.


Yes, I'm long winded (or in the case of typing "long worded") whereas you're very succinct. If you think this is bad, you should listen to a typical voice mail I leave for someone. You would think I'm being compelled to tell my life story. It's a curse.

I thought I said something along those lines, but you said it better...or at least longer hehehehe

Ya know, whenever I read stories like this my mind's immediately knee jerk reaction is to think it's bogus, because nobody could be THAT dumb to plop down that kind of cash to book a cruise that was unlikely to happen.

The individuals cited in the article supposedly sold their home at a loss to book the cruise. That fact in itself is having a tough time getting past my BS meter. WHO DOES THAT???? I can't fathom anyone I know (or even anyone on this forum) who would do such an idiotic thing? There HAS to be another reason. Perhaps one of them got bad health news. They couldn't just do it for the sake of doing it....could they? Sigh..... but that's probably exactly why they did it. The YOLO mentality is gaining traction.

Good luck to them now trying to find another home for comparable money to what they sold (at a loss.... in a sellers market). The down payment alone will probably be more than they get back from the cruise line for this debacle, assuming they even see a refund.

As the comedian Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid".

They might be receiving a bankruptcy notice...if they even get that...hard to believe the economic demographics of the passengers willing to pay these sums hasn't ALREADY led to legal representation etc etc etc...big bux doesn't necessarily lead to big intelligence....

If they get a refund .....

Well, when you book a cruise with a company that doesn’t have a ship……Yummy


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